
Responses from jafox

Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
I finally got a chance to try the RCA VT-99 to compare to my reference, the Raytheon VT-99. With nothing but major success with RCA tubes in many links in my system, I had the highest expectations and I admit, bias, for the RCA to come out the "wi... 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Ok one more time….I actually forgot…the MOST disappointing product I owned of all time: and the envelope please……..da daaaaaaaaaa………. the Audio Research Classic 150 amplifiers. Having owned the ARC VT130 amp driving Magnepan 3.3's, this combinatio... 
Need "warm" interconnects advice
More detail with Cardas ICs? Now that's hilarious!As for determining neutrality of an IC, if your system has a tape loop, put the IC there and then flip the switch to "Monitor" for that tape loop and notice the difference between the switch engage... 
Your most disappointing purchase or audition?
Very tired of the Atma-sphere issue here so I will contribute to the theme of this thread. Major disappointments for me? Thiel 3.6 and 2.3 speakers!!! These were way too analytical to me. Replacing these with Talon Khorus and Talon Peregrine were ... 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
I was saying a host of things including system, room, PC, cables, ears etc... all together can make for different outcomes. Yes, true, if we are talking about the final resultant (analog output) Lampi sonic differences themselves. But once the D-A... 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
Actually Grannyring it was not just my ears .it was a confirmation by Steve himself .and this included the Dynamo PS. Sadly, the SPDIF input on the B6 or this one anyway is dimensionally flat vs the USB input. Has nothing to do with my ears ..flat... 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
Ok. A bit of semantics going on here. When I referred "transports", it was about CD spinners. I have not compared systems containing stored files in memory yet. But even so, I seriously doubt that the differences come even close to those I observe... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Gopher, thanks for the tip. So far my favorite rectifier for the Lampi is the RCA. I will look for the Kenred. 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
Wow, great picture of John Mc and his SOTA TT. 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
45's indeed. I bought that special Led Zep 45 set many years ago and it's still unopened in its metal flight case.Doak, no reason to chase digital's best. I ran with the Manley Ref DAC for 10+ years and it so mightily outperformed the claimed "bes... 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
Doak, as an analog fan, I can relate. However I must get up every 22 minutes or so, flip the LP over or put if back in it's cover, get another, maybe need to clean it, put it on the TT, drop the arm and go back to my seat. With the arrival of a to... 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
Well guys as reported before, I just have not experienced dramatic differences in transports over the years. I had a Genesis Time Lens years ago and this made quite a nice improvement in delineation. And the Marigo digital cable contributed the sa... 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
Oh yes. I forgot all about Accustat. I heard the 2+2's at a Linn dealer 30+ years ago and liked the sound very much. But so much has changed since then. Trying a pair in my system would be a very Interesting experiment except I don't think my ceil... 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
Agear,I need to get the Sound Labs backplates replaced in the next few months before you can stop over for a listen. Ideally I'd like to have the CAT amps up and running too. That will knock your socks off.As for panel speakers doing the magic, sa... 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
Outstanding review John. I think people miss the Lampi magic with the lack of due diligence.So very true. But true for many tube and non-tube products which people boot out and in with another to their system rather than to recognize the product's...