
Responses from ivanj

Mutlichannel SACD/Progressive Scan DVD - Options?
MArantz has an 8300 coming out - check out the Nov. Absolute Sound or their web site. I recommend the Marantz as a viable alternative to SONY. 
how can I find the polarity out from my XLR
Others will tell you how to figure it out but after you do, a tip.If you have to change polarity on the cable, do it at the source end. This is because the signal cables are often different from the return wires; you want both signal wires to be t... 
Speaker Cables to Audition in 1500 price range
try Duke at Audiokinesis. He may give you some alternatives well worth considering. 
New interconnects for MR-67 tuner
I use Alpha Core Sapphire RCAs with my McIntosh and Accuphase tuners. They are extremely transparent and seem to have no artifacts that others attribute to silver cables. (I don't recommend their less expensive cables; others like them, don't seem... 
Your Best Hobbies (other than Audio)
I play the violin.I write stories and novels.I train bird dogs, collect shotguns, and travel to shoot. I've met some very nice people in all the above, and a few in audio, also. 
IC Recs for FT Audio LW-1 Passive to Aleph 30
You might want to look into the Innersound ICs. I use an 8M from my passive - good performance cheap. 
Radio Station listing NJ?
Great site '61, but the signal stregth meter is a bit inaccurate. I would try DXing on your own, YMMV. 
What are the best tubes for Audio Research SP-11?
HAve you enquired the manufacturer as a start? At least there you will have some tested items as a baseline to do some tube rolling from. 
"Concealed Damage" and FedEx Claims
Possible buyer remorse/scams? 
Power amp recommendations for 1000 and under
You might want to try a Sunfire 300 watter, a Bryston 3BST, or an Adcom 5802, all in balanced mode. Quicksilver is good too but I found it makes everything sound the same. 
need help with vinyl
Get a VPI 16.5. Clean ALL records with it. Throw away the felt pad. Realize that all used records are a crapshoot. 
Maggie 20.1 vs. Quad 989
I would prefer the Sound Lab over either and I have owned Quads and Maggies in the past. I've used the BC in stereo mode, gives 80% of the best amps which is pretty darn good (doesn't have the you are there quality of Wolcotts,etc.) I would think ... 
Shelter 501 or Denon 103 with SME - Anyone tried ?
One has to be careful with arm-cartridge compliance mismatches, especially in marginal acoustical situations. There are plenty of cartridges out there that are sonically good in this price range that will meet the system requirements you describe.... 
Best Amp for Revel F30
I heard the new Mc tube amp with these and it was very good. I also heard the McIntosh 602 and it was outstanding. All balanced of course; I forget which Wadia but it was at least a 86x. IMHO either was a better match than the ML 335 they had - to... 
2000 for turntable and arm.....
Get a Linn Valhalla with an Ittok.