
Responses from ivanj

Does the Marantz SA-14 upsample?
I would post the same question or better search the Audioasylum Hi Rez forum. Those guys seems to be into these nuances. That being said I use a '14 and the sound on CD is very good indeed. 
Help me with preamp choice.
I would strongly suggest the Adcom 750. There is nothing below $3k US that will touch it. It offers both passive and active operation, is a Nelson Pass design, and offers both true balanced and s/e operation. There are several for sale for $750 US... 
Pass Aleph 5-Wadia 8XX OR Concentra-FMJ 23
I had a Wadia 850/Aleph 5 into Quad ESL 63s, Audio Physik Virgos, Quad Esl 57s, and for a short time into Sound Lab A3s. I was very happy with the combo into everything, within power limitations into the last combo. BTW the present owners of the e... 
Tube amp for planar speakers and SS pre
Judit, if you listen to classical music as much as I do you'll want to look at my "Midrange Electrostic System" under my moniker ivanj. The big advantage you have over me is you have the Pass X-1; presently I have to settle for the Pass-designed A... 
What live performances are broadcast in your area?
Subaruguru- you're right 'crb does have some execution problems (most of their programming is from hard disk they tell me) but unfortunately the Friday afternoon broadcast time on WGBH does not permit me to listen to the BSO broadcasts. Victor Cam... 
Cardas Neutral Reference or Kimber Monocle XL or..
I suggest the Cardas in a balanced (XLR) configuration. It is a truly balanced approach; the Kimber may not be. 
Levinson JC-1 - CJ 10b = blown Yamaha M2?
I think that the Yamaha was at fault but you might want to have the CJ checked for passing DC. Did you ever switch input leads on amp to see if the thump moved or stayed the same? The JC1 is most probably NOT at fault and from you description you ... 
Cartridge Match for Krell KPE Reference/Rega P25
I'd also look into the Ortofon Kontrapunkt B at about $600 NIB here on Agon from Mrstereo and others. It is an outstanding cartridge for the money. 
Orchestral brass and fanfare - analysis of system
I like Stenho's comments. Look to the amp. The impedence curve of many speakers have funky phase angles and dips in the lower midrange and so on. I've replaced several amps that otherwise sounded fine but were unmasked by symphonic brass. It was t... 
Bruce Moore Tube Amps
I would seriously suggest auditioning the Wolcott monos before making a different investment. It is a serious step up from the ARC amps you cite. 
Pre-Amp sound similar to Conrad Johnson
You might also want to look into the Atma Sphere preamps. I understand the less expensive one is a relative bargain. 
Wolcott Presence 220 monoblocks
They really are very good. Best of SS and tubes, with ample tuning flexibility for most systems. 
Phono Cartridge Recommendations...
Wb uses the Benz as a basis for their cartridges I believe so you could do worse. I would try this before I bought another used cartridge. Never a good idea unless you are looking at a Koetsu,Decca Jubilee or the like at a deep discount... 
What tube amp mates well with Sonus Faber Amati's?
I would seriously consider the Wolcotts. The adjustable damping is a great advantage. 
Tonearm/cartridge sugestions for an Oracle Delphi?
Both tonearms and cartridges you mention are excellent on their own and excellent matches for each other. All were considered "budget" state of the art in their time. The Grace is perhaps "warm" and the Talisman "exact" but I could live with eithe...