
Responses from ivanj

TT setup in Montreal?
The Shure Vmr you have is the BEST V-15 made, much better than the Vxmr that is currently sold, due to its linear frequency response. Get a new stylus, don't get rid of the cartridge, even if you replace it with a Koetsu, keep it as a spare! 
bolting speakers to floor?
My friend offers an engineered composite stand solution using (removable) adhesives. This assembly could be either spiked or bolted to the subfloor. If you use this solution you would not have to penetrate your speaker cabinet. An added benefit is... 
Used Pre-amp with HT pass-thru
Adcom 750 - active and passive with HT bypass and remote. 
Biggest Sound in the Littliest Box
Good moniker, 3chihuahuas. Can you stick a subwoofer in the corner? Then your other speakers will disappear with the proper set up. 
Krell FPB-300 -W?- Pre- AR MRK 11 or BAT 50SE-51SE
I agree that the Wadia, with the proper balanced interconnects, and with the output sensitivity adjusted, will sound very good indeed. I have used the 850 this way, and the current owner, who is in the music business in Canada, is very pleased wit... 
Anyone compared McIntosh MC352 and 602?
According to my buddy who is a MC dealer, the 602 is a slightly more advanced and recent design than the 352. I have heard the 602 only and it sounds very good, detailed and even warm at low volumes as well as higher volumes. You might consider it... 
LP12 Setup: Dead & Lifeless: Where's the air?
Make sure the bearing has oil in it and the belt is fresh. I use Mobil 1 'cause the Linn oil is like unubtanium. I agree with all the above. 
Downgrading Help
There is a long break-in on the SACD and CD sections of the 1000. It will improve. There will be lots of 1000 mods coming out so don't jump yet. 
$500-600 Used Tuner
If you can get a good outside antenna like an APS you may not need a new tuner! 
Review: Oracle Maintenance Kit
Ferrari is absolutely on the money about the X5. I had one for years in my Linn/Ittok. It did mellow out, but perhaps is a better match for less "live' arms than the Ittok. Its stylus needs to be kept clean also for best results. 
Please help me find agreat match for Quad Speakers
To quote another, informed, poster:"The cable characteristics that you are after is low resistance and low inductance as a first-order. Once you have these, then low dielectric absorption and low skin-effect are second-order. The reason that Nordo... 
Innersound Kilowatt Monoblock, how good is it?
How about the Parasound JC-1?http://www.parasound.com/halo/JC1front.asp 
That Old Bedini Magic
I had a well-maintained 25/25 that I used for years with QUAD 57s and 63s. Lots of candidates came and went until I did critical listening with a Pass Aleph 5, and found the Pass to best the Bedini in every significant area - detail, warmth, reali... 
So you're an audiophile - are you also a musician?
Classical violin trained - performed through college. 
Which hi-end Sony SACD player to buy?
I'd consider the new Marantz SA14 MK2 before you buy a SONY.