
Responses from ivanj

Special parameters for room construction w/M.L. ?
Why don't you have Rives consult for you? I'd also take a look at the Cardas web site. 
Choice of Amps
The DR8 is a nice amp. Dave Reich (sp) (DR) is the current designer of the Theta amps. I would estimate it would give you a warmer sound. Will the dealer give you any sort of warranty? How old is the Electro? IS it one that Jason Scott (or whoever... 
Very tube-friendly monitor speakers?
I recall there is a 16 or 30 ohm version of the LS3/5A monitor either old or current production that might fit the bill. Contact a Spendor dealer. 
Anybody using Wilsons or Soundlabs with Pass Labs?
1. Fdriver I agree with your well-stated points. The aleph series if I recall correctly has a higher output impedance than the X which *may be* a better match for the SL in the low frequencies. However with the old crossovers I found the low power... 
Thoughts On "Bowling For Columbine"
What's a "gun culture?" 
why do power cords make a difference with transpor
I have found that the 14 is especially sensitive to static and RFI esp as picked up in the AC. The Shunyata Python claims to have beneficial filtering qualities and so on. Perhaps this is why. BTW, what else is in your system? What cables are you ... 
Please help me sort through this turntable mess
Twl, thanks for the info. I guess the Shelters are a contemporary alternative to the Koetsus just like the Fidelity Research of yore....certainly the descriptions I have heard of their sound and cost-effectiveness would lead me to believe this.Pat... 
Please help me sort through this turntable mess
Which FR1 is it? If it is a Mk2, Mk3 or MK3f it is definitely worth rebuilding by either VDH or Allaerts if he is still doing rebuilding (audadv@earthlink.net to check on rebuild schedule.) If it is an original (not a mark) I would post it on eBAY... 
DC Leakage and dealer issues
Did you have the Canadian amp set to French or English when it blew? (just kidding.) 
Got screwed using Paypal What to do?
I will not use Paypal. If you look into the organization, IMHO, it looks like Raptor or Jedi.If a seller requires Paypal and won't take my check even after contacting them, I pass on the unit. 
Decent phono pre for nad c-350....
I believe, I could be wrong, that DB Systems makes an inexpensive add-on as part of their current production that has received excellent reviews but it maybe a bit hard to find a dealer. Contact them at 603 899 5121. Happy Thanksgiving. 
Adding a passive sub system Help.
I'd contact Kevin at Muse for his recommendations. BTW I use an old Janis system for my HT system. If you can pick one up cheap it might fit the bill. 
Are there any absolute truths???
Wisdom in detlof's words. Thanks. Another truth -Support your local symphony or opera company. Get a perspective on live music. 
BAT VK50SE vs CJ 16LS vs ARC 25mrk II/Ref2
You might want to consider a Pass X1 or the like. Warm, transparent, no maintenance hassles, and as low a noise floor as you can think of. 
I finally got a Mcintosh amp
It's really only the last couple of generations of solid state that were acceptable and the latest generation (eg 602) is very good indeed. However, the SELLER of early SS McIntosh will tell you everything is, well, what they probably told you "Ai...