
Responses from ivanj

Outdoor antenna setup
I recommend the Antenna Performance Specialties APS-9 (I use this) or the APS-13 with a Channel Master rotor. USe a straight run of coax to the tuner; no amps, boosters, or anything. No wall plates, either, if you can swing it. Make sure you contr... 
Quad57's and Janis W3 Subwoofer
I used W1s and ESL 57s for years with good results - that's what they were designed around. Most people turn them up too much - it's easy to make them sound slow. The Entecs are good too for much $$$$. 
Review: Pass Labs Aleph ONO Preamplifier
I believe the update they did to mine was $100 or less. Contact wayne at pass labs with your serial number and he can advise. 
Adcom GFP-750 pre with Bryston 4BST amp works?
Basically the mod consists of upgrading the caps to Black Gates. I haven't had a chance to try it yet myself but I am told it increases transparency and removes any hint of edginess that some may find in active mode. Email me directly for more info. 
Phono stepups
See if you can find one of the many Ortofon or Denon 320 transformers. Often available at eBAY at short money. Suitable for the vintage equipment you are speaking of without getting too tweaky. 
Adcom GFP-750 pre with Bryston 4BST amp works?
Passive balanced it should be fine. There are mods you can do to make it even better active. 
Review : PS Audio HCA 2 amplifier
Besides all that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?(If you like this type of technology try the Bel Canto Evo series - they are acceptable sonically.) 
Review: Pass Labs Aleph ONO Preamplifier
I agree - you might try balanced out. I have one.... send me an email we can talk and post the salient bits... 
Moving from Pass Labs Aleph 5 to Aleph 2
I'd check your wall juice. These amps draw a lot of current and you want to give them as much as possible. There are folks on A'gon who can advise you better than I about dedicated lines, etc. How about it? 
Sub-woofers to go with Quad 988 / 989 ?
Sound Lab B1. Dipole ES bass. 
Quad 988 / 989 reliability ??
You might want to try Sound Labs as an alternative. Comparing new production to new production, fewer problems. In the right model, better bass - the kind you are looking for. 
Set up of cartridge on linear tracking turntable.
"A life filled with incident." 
Starting out. - need your counsel
Thanks for your advice. I'm going to pickup an inexpensive receiver from my local hi end dealer. Even though I buy my hi-end stereo stuff on A'gon I think new and inexpensive is the way to go in the family room - fewer headaches. If my gang uses i... 
Don Scott Specially Modified Marantz Tuner?
email me and I will send you a before and after on my Accuphase tuner. 
Speaker impedance selection for McIntosh MC-300 ??
Try different settings and pick the one that pleases you the best sonically.