
Responses from ivanj

Polarity with SCD-1
Yes, the phase switch will solve the phase issue but not the way these units (not just the Sony) generates a balanced signal. 
Polarity with SCD-1
To avoid having to switch polarities for different equipment, this is what I did. Most US equipment uses pin 2 hot versus the pin 3 hot config on (most) Japanese equipment. What I did was have Cardas reterminate my balanced Golden Reference cables... 
Cardas Neutral Reference or Kimber Monocle XL or..
Gee, mine was a stupid answer - apologize for brain fade. Try www.empiricalaudio.comfor a discussion of long speaker cables and a possible solution. 
Best SACD/CD Player up to 3000 street price?
I would audition one of the Marantz players. The 8260 is multichannel that is reported to be a premium version of the acclaimed Phillips 1000, there is a new 8300 coming out. I own a SA14, replaced a Wadia 850 with it. It mates very well with the ... 
long i/c run...looking for high end cable
Since you seem to have the scratch why don't you order a balanced Innersound cable from their website? Then you will have a backup and a baseline from which to compare the expensive cables. If you look at my system I am very happy with my Innersou... 
very disappointed about my system setup
Which Dynavector do you have? How old is it? (Grados are incompatible with Linns) What interconnects are you using.I had a Dynavector Ruby once that I thought sounded lifeless - very descriptive, it was towards its end of life so perhaps that is o... 
Review: Denon DL 103R Cartridge
Thank you for honestly describing theeffective mass requirement and the midrange anomaly (unkind people say honk) that may disqualify this otherwise excellent cartridge series for the rest of us. When these cartridges were first introduced there w... 
Review: Ortofon Kontrapunkt B Cartridge
I'm glad someone on a real world budget, not a magazine's merchandizing price points, was able to compare the B to one of the acknowledged finest. I love mine and bought it right here from an Agon dealer. It works well in my Linn/Ittok/Pass Ono at... 
What's the best isolation system?
Bravo Lugnut. Another thing, which I actually do, is to move my turntable/phono preamp into a separate room on the ground floor (concrete) and run balanced lines from the phon pre to the preamp in the music room. 
Sherlock Holmes needs clues
Judit-Could you please list the CDs that show this phenomenon? I'd like to try it on my system and report back. Perhaps you could describe where, timewise/trackwise, the phenomenon occurs?Thanks,IJ 
Choosing a SACD player...please help
Under $2k new the SA14 wins hands down for your requirements. It really doesn't need mods, just clean spike-free power (important), sufficient time to break in and good cables. If you can wait, there is a mark 2 version coming out soon which is a ... 
Sherlock Holmes needs clues
Frankly, if the phase angle and impedence is brutal at the frequencies you are mentioning the amp would actually only be putting out a fraction of its "FTC" output. An example would be a 200 wpc SS amp - into 8 ohms - which actually is only puttin... 
Choosing a SACD player...please help
All of the players you mention are good. Can you tell us more about your system, room, MC requirement, and musical tastes so we can help you steer? 
Sherlock Holmes needs clues
Are these the same speakers/amp that you mentioned under a previous thread? In this thread you mentioned difficulties with orchestral brass... If so I suspect you may have a defective speaker or a poorly designed one. You really need go to a pair ... 
Help- Denon DP59L...
Does the dealer who sold you the new Grado cartridge and set up the table have an explanation? Does the dealer offer other brands of cartridges besides Grado? Did you buy the table from this dealer? The Denon is one of the best DD TT (doesn't cog)...