
Responses from ivanj

Starting out. - need your counsel
A simple reciever with analog by pass sounds good. Will most recievers allow you to run separate amps through line output? 
Starting out. - need your counsel
(Why would a preamp unit take a high quality multichannel SACD or DVD sourced analog signal and reconvert it into digital, and then again into analog? That make no sense.) I really don't want to play SACDs on this theatre rig. Just movies. Tapes a... 
Bat VK-P10 and Sonic Frontiers SFP 1 Signature
I'd go to a good solid state front end or a transformer for low output MC cartridges, especially if you are using a tube ine preamp. I use an updated Pass Ono. The Ono has a true balanced output as does its follow on X ono and sounds great single-... 
Ortofon Jubilee on Ekos II - comments?
Extreme is right. If you have a Linto get a Linn cartridge and don't look back. 
Ortofon Jubilee on Ekos II - comments?
I am using an Ortofon Kontrapunkt B in an Ittok with excellent results. I don't think you will have a problem with the B in the Ekos. You may want to contact Mrstereo, a member who sells cartridges and has had much experiences with compatibility (... 
Review: Cardas Golden Reference Interconnect
RCA or XLR? 
cd player with volume control - under 500
I use a Yamaha as a backup player and it sounds good especially with quality interconnects. Feed it only 4 disks though. It seems to eat the 5th. One can tailor the digital curve for diff music types as required. 
Suggestion for Amp to 2 ohm loads?
How about an Adcom 5802 or a Bryston 3Bst or 4bST? 
Why are there so many unopened amps, ect for sale?
There were several large scale break-ins of high end audio and home theatre dealers in the Northeast USA this past winter and spring. As I am told the ring is well-organized and professional, so who knows how they distribute their ill-gotten items... 
Jeff rowland 112 Clipping problems.
Context please...what system are you talking about? 
Cary 308 or Bel Canto Dac2?
IMHO, I would try the Sony DVD-DACD player before making an investment in a dac. I've heard the BC dac with Pioneer DVD players and the combination is fatiguing, to say the least. 
Inter-connects? Speaker cable? for Quad gear
Why don't you do a search here at audiogon under forums? Since you are a new member you should avail yourself of these features. BTW I recommend MAgnan Signature speaker cable if this helps. 
Okay, now I think I've seen it all...
I saw a picture of some actress's system. A door opened, and stacked Quads were dropped out of the hatch from the ceiling.Wonder what she was like in the sack? 
Janis 15" Subs......Anyone???? B&W ASW-800 THX...
I've been using W1s for years with good results with QUAD ESLs, 63s, and mini monitors. I also use it in a home theatre system. The Interphase unit is reasonably transparent. I turn the slot to the wall to minimize the resonance Danner was speakin... 
EMC 1 MK II and Pass x150????
The Pass runs best balanced. All things being equal, pick a CDP that is balanced also. For example, the balanced 850 has a volume control so you don't need a preamp. Run it balanced to the Pass and enjoy. They are built like a tank but sound great...