
Responses from itsjustme

Replacing selector knob
terminology: its the switch contacts that are flaky.  The know is the handle and is decorative.The fix is likely electronics parts cleaner followed by a lubricant. but we do not know, you need to take it apart and also look for mechanical damage.I... 
How To Do You Measure the Quality of Your AC Power?
Let's disambiguate. (is that  word?)Typically we worry about Noise. MC went on (correcly) on noise. The only solutions involve various type sof filtering, including normal filters and (better) isolation transformers. Bear in mind that YOU are like... 
How important is the pre-amp?
... should have continued.  But a DAC **can** have a solid, low-output impedance.  That doesn't mean they all do, or that they are all good ( the vast majority of chip opamps, sigh).  So again, there is no right answer, no simple answer. You need ... 
How important is the pre-amp?
a key word that seems to have been overlooked. IMPEDANCE.Actually both MillerCarbon and I went into it.  I did very specifically.  And basically, yes, a hgih output Z and low input Z is a bad combination. Plus some (very long) cables may have som... 
How important is the pre-amp?
If I have just a power amp hooked up I know you need one.Then it comes to tube or soild state.I have tried both and use many different brands.I still like switching things around.The point of this thread is ... no you don;t. But is it beneficial... 
Any Vienna acoustics love out there? Anyone even still using them?
actually then the mahlers are a tougher load 89 or 90 dB i believe.thanksa 91 dB speaker is not that difficult. the 4 ohms means it must be a real power amp, btu these are $25k speakers after all. 
How important is the pre-amp?
It’s about the size of the signal.The signals from sources are very small and delicate...Truer than most realize - gain from low output MC to line is about 1500X.But i believe this thread would benefit form a very clear distinction between a **pho... 
Any Vienna acoustics love out there? Anyone even still using them?
How much more juice do the Musics need that their predecessor the Mahlers?  While they can use it, I've driven mine with my prototype integrated amp that has less than 35 wpc (but unconditionally stable and very high peak current).  In normal use ... 
How important is the pre-amp?
Noble is a good place to start…..???? for what? 
How important is the pre-amp?
For just 1 added component, saya CD player, we only need 1 outSo you are saying a simple DIY 44 step attenuator + some resistiors, = beats high priced pres?Yes??Well....sorta. Mine is intended to go into volume production in products so it s a bit... 
How important is the pre-amp?
A few comments on the "transformers are the answer" topic.  I agree that especially when you have an impedance mismatch, particularly the wrong way (high into low), that needs **transformation** rather than gain or attenuation (fractional gain),a ... 
Any Vienna acoustics love out there? Anyone even still using them?
as to detail vs warm. never confuse an over-ly forward treble with detail. It just creams it at you, like SNL's version of closed captioning for that hearing impaired. real detail comes from resolution, a lack of maskng resonances, and a very low ... 
Any Vienna acoustics love out there? Anyone even still using them?
I have Mahlers "upstairs" and love them. I knew nothing about them before i stumbled on this pair.  With a little attention they are extraordinarily transparent.  And have real bass extension.  Can be very room / setup dependent and are finicky ab... 
How important is the pre-amp?
@cheeg raises some interesting points.Point #1: Wikipedia URL with comment "you can see its not quite that simple". Actually, it is that simple. he wikipedia article manages to make a simple topic complicated by badly explaining older dB reference... 
How important is the pre-amp?
I wont add too much redundancy to what has been said here. MillerCarbon made me chuckle.But an overlooked fact is that in the majority of cases the volume and balance controls (essentially two sequential attenuators, so the distortions are doubled...