
Responses from itsjustme

Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
itsjustme - Having read and re-read your many susequent posts I find you are at another level, far above my undersatnding of computers. When I was using my MacBook Air via USB to DAC I thought it sounded great. And it can, in fact sound pretty ... 
Different R2R DACs
I never buy by technology. It is always in the implementation.   Bingo.  As i point out i once desigend three circutis - one tube, one BJT one FET.  They all had the same baic sound (except of coruse whne the tube on had a challenging load). ... 
Best place to purchase a new Denafrips Pontus II
If you want a non-grey market unti is there a choice?  Vinshine is the distributor. End.  Prices are uniform.  And Alvin was very nice to work with.  
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
Haveing read and re-read the OP and many susequent posts, i admit its a little confusing.  But my read is OP is not unaware of computer/DAC methods and has tried some. Heck, if he's tried Roon he's way beyond ("you can use a PC as a source").   ... 
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
BTW, if you choose the Allo, its based on the ESS 9038 chip and therefore has transparent (no truncation errors) digital volume control.  No balance, but voluem contorl. For an all-digital system that has real advantages both in signal chain integ... 
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
itsjustme - $700 it’s ok but there are much better" Suggestions, please? OK, but remember that things are personal, i have not heard everything etc. I really try to avoid the superficial "buy this i like it". Using that logic we can deduce fr... 
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
A MBP with bitperfect is a decent source sonically.  depending on the program you use to catalog and stream it can be weak or strong, but you want streaming anyway. I'm not sure how good/bad the native streaming clients are - warning I have seen s... 
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
If you search, i have posted pages of posts on making digital good - its more than buying box(es). You'll need both a server and a DAC.  What have you tried? what are your sound objectives? You say "no Roon". Roon actually would be a srong sugge... 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
I started to watch the video but the first statement in the video: "The square wave and the sine wave are the same thing only with distortion" is complete lunacy. OK, i would not state it that way. But...., step back. A distortion is a "change or ... 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
There's a lot more to it than that. Different dielectrics (insulators) have different properties. I wasn't going there but thumbs up.  Anyone who doubts read a datasheet on capacitors and all the characteristics of them; most critically to us (IMO... 
The return of the DIYer
OK, a few disjoint comments:1. MC -- snicker/smile :-)2. Animal House3. Actually, assembly labor and logistics are a huge problem as i contemplate returning to the world of actually making physical stuff rather than throwing designs over the wall.... 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
the differences in capacitance alone between different makes should be enough to understand how sound may changeA fast look at spec sheets says mogami interconnect has about 70pF/meter. So a (very long) 2M interconnect has 140 pF. And a relatively... 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
If anyone would really like to begin a journey into what **might** make some difference, i suggest you watch a series (or any one is probably sufficient) of talks that that Rick Hartley gave to the Altium user conference. Altium is probably the le... 
Can (or should) you “Reclock” a Bluesound Node?
My two cents is that it has far less to do with the source (Bluesound here i think) than with the DAC or whatever the next stage is.A re-clock will make up for poor jitter reduction in the following DAC.  If its a great DAC with a very low jitter ... 
Is it Possible??
what Millercarbon said.Most of the nastiness in everything from flawed digital to poor recordings occurs in the high frequencies. Rolling it off often makes the majority of multi-track, compressed, shrill rock recordings sound better -- at least t...