Responses from itsjustme
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference @Cindyment Thanks, and yes, either could impact sound, and neither is completely easy to 100% eliminate. All the power supplies and isolation i refer to are custom designed and built by me - as are some of the interfaces and clocks. So with luc... | |
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference {. . . } does not think bargains exist, they just think the expensive one is over priced. There is a difference. precisely my thought. Its true that 'too good to be true' generally isn't rue, but let's be real - what do you think is inside... | |
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference mmmmm Petrus....nwo with that ANY server will sound better | |
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference On some other comments, i know ROON makes a big deal about plenty of CPU etc. But it comes down to two questions: 1) do you employ DSP? and 2) do you simultaneously stream and synch multiple stream? If no, it runs on about anything (e.g.: i ran i... | |
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference I would not expect a difference between the two servers. That said, i would expect a difference between USB and COAX, although, i guess the Aurender has a very good clock (if its master). I would also guess you can get an improvement by havin... | |
How to tame a bright system? IMO, you pairing bright sounding amplifier to bright sounding speakers, my suggestion is save your money on cable and go try some speakers with soft-dome tweeter like Dynaudio... Treat the cause, not the symptom! IMO, 2nd. And the Fire is not ... | |
Can the digital "signal" be over-laundered, unlike money? You ignored everything i said. I'm not being baited. | |
Can the digital "signal" be over-laundered, unlike money? Two problems with that argument. bear in mind i design these things both in T&M and audio. The first problems i "not all DACs do a perfect re-clocking, and many, so as not to over/under run buffers begin with the input timing and then reduce... | |
Can the digital "signal" be over-laundered, unlike money? Cost <$100 to "isolate" USB. Most tolerable DACs already isolate SPDIF (something that most audiophiles are clueless about -- going on about isolation, TOSLINK, etc.). So there goes your isolation argument. Isolate USB and with SPDIF on most t... | |
Can the digital "signal" be over-laundered, unlike money? to better understand the analog nature of a digital audio signal, and therefore what might impact it, read my (somewhat old) blog over at sonogy research .com I point you there so i don’t need to duplicate typing and diagrams. Bottom line: its not... | |
Streaming 102 Its a bit of a nuanced issue. At its simplest, the DAC has a greater impact on sound than the streamer. But a really well engineered DAC with well isolated USB input, and really good FIFO re-clocking will obviate the differences between most strea... | |
Cat 5 - 6 -7 or 8 Hey antigrunge - what about cat8 (which i admit i have never looked into, or franklly, seen) that creates ground loops? What did they change? TIA, G | |
Cat 5 - 6 -7 or 8 as the grades go up they are characterized for higher speeds, which means a better pulse/rising/fal;ling edge response. This is just plain better for timing information. So later is better. Will it make much difference? That depends on what ... | |
RCA interconnect recommendation For the digital cable, try to get a true 75 ohm cable. Most are not, and frankly RCA plugs are not 75 ohm (its a stupid standard, get BNCs!, ok rant off) It must be intended for digital or will distort the threshold crossings that determine timin... | |
Ready For Digital Source...Computer? @High-amp if you are doign a remodeling, my advice is run LOTS of ethernet cables from a hub location. eventually you'll want it (much better than wifi). It can be nice to create roon zones through the house. I also ran a "home run" 20A circui... |