Responses from itsjustme
Usb or Optical So an SPDIF card would be pretty much the last choice. I don’t actually completely agree with this. You may not agree, but your reply indicate you don't understand the reasoning (despite the fact that i laid it out). USB is asynchronous. It s... | |
Usb or Optical to one post above, with the exception of some recent upgrades to the standard that essentially no one implements, optical SPDIF is alwasy limited to 16/44 or 16/48. Its part of the limitation (along with more jitter, lots more). | |
Usb or Optical I would invest in a JCAT USB card ($495), though it’s probably more than you want to spend. Alternative, the Matrix Element H USB card ($329) or the SOTM tX-USBexp USB 3.0 card ($350) might be options. That being said, it’s hard to say whether th... | |
12v linear power supply It is much more than just blocking A/C noise. It is how smooth and powerful the current is. One analogy I use is to use air compressors as a comparison to switching/linear power supplies. Actually, no, its the noise. And i'm not sure what you m... | |
Looking for “just good enuf” for garage man cave It depends, to a degree on your main system. Since i have roon in my main system(s), i use a tablet or phone as a ROON endpoint and bluetooth it to a JBL CHARGE 4, which i think sounds remarkably enjoyable ( note I did not say good, accurate etc.... | |
Let me end the Premp/Amplifier sound debate ... since we're arguing fact vs fiction: 1 it's Juian Hirsch ("i") 2 Hirsch-Houck did work for Stereo Review, not Audio (That was John Atkinson in the day) | |
12v linear power supply For anyone thinking of buying or making an external LPS here are a few thoughts to give perspective. First you need to ask what kind of device you are powering to know your objectives. If the device is a pure music server - not connected directly ... | |
Moderation/Censorship Poll and surely more... I'd like to raise another form of interference that sits poorly, at least with me. Audiogon prohibits sharing personal contact info. I find this pretty intrusive: the only possible reason i can think of is to avoid them losing commissions on sal... | |
Am I nuts? rip all your CDs to FLAC, get a good DAC, and move on! CDs are fragile and so are transports. | |
12v linear power supply most circuitry is locally regulated ( and much of it way below 12V - more like 3.3 or 5V for chips) so the additional input voltage is not a big concern. It will generate a little more heat lost inthe down-regulation, btu the performance if anythi... | |
12v linear power supply i do like the auto battery idea. likely superior to almost any LPS. But big, ugly, and requires a charger. as to LPSs - DACs are relatively low powered in general; but if you are powering a USB bridge or Raspberry pi or similar, those require muc... | |
Power Amp Question Why do you believe you need more power? (maybe you do, its just that there is no evidence or explanation here......) You realize the relationship between power and volume is roughly logarithmic? so doubling it makes a very small difference..... ... | |
what does this mean? Let's decouple the various things in that sentence - and push DC coupling to the side. But the balanced modulator and differential power stage are linked and relevant. A class-D (digital) amp is basically a big honkin' DAC that drives your speak... | |
It comes with a balance knob?!?! I'll take it! hey eric - joke aside its right there int he sound control panel. Cleverly labeled 'balance" at least in MacOS 12 | |
Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject Amazon streams at a maximum of 256kbps which is about 2.5:1 compression (after lossless). Its hardly high end, and even getting that stream requires digging and digging through the configuration menus. Or pay up for their premium hifi offer. I ... |