
Responses from itsjustme

Tube vs solid state (with all apologies)
2nd auxinput 
The smoothest amp you've heard?
The quality of smoothness is a lack of higher ordered harmonics; also a lack of IMD.I agree with this as far as it goes.The whole ariness things needs more definition INSHO to even know if we're discussing the same thing. 
Does a Subwoofer Make Spiking Redundant?
OP misunderstands the reason for spiking. It is to prevent the whole speaker moving around and adding that movement to the signal driven movement of the cones etc. right. A different way of phrasing what i wrote above.  It is modulation. 
Does a Subwoofer Make Spiking Redundant?
My speakers are spiked, heavy carpet, pad and plywood underneath.    If I place on rug, they are tipsy. The job of the spikes is to pierce the carpet. Lose the plywood and pad.  But you may leave a mark on the underlay if it is hardwood. 
Does a Subwoofer Make Spiking Redundant?
i read a lot of this and find it confusing. certainly contradictory ( what else is new?).There are many theories, but the most reasonable, to me is that we want speakers to be totally immovable - a solid, stable surface for drivers to push against... 
Recommendation for a highly resolving amp
What makes you believe your amp is not sufficiently resolving?  Speakers, placement, room and source, IMO are far more likely culprits.  Pass Labs are excellent amps.  And for the record, i design amps yet doubt that's where you need to put your m... 
Analogue from Digital
Yes, there is. or should i way, there are.For one thing, and some will rail at this, it will have analog colorations that many may like. Second,it will have had its digital-to-analog conversion done in a professional studio, in theory with very go... 
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling
Larry - i think you understand the difference but could be confusing others/readers.  120 dBSPL is not the same as having a SNR of 120 dB.  You can listen at 80 dB and have the noise floor at essentially zero.  But, as i believe you assume, for th... 
Class A into Class AB
1 ohm is not uncommon with many multiple parallel devices (which is very likely there) to ensure load sharing and some additional linearity.  You may find it high, i really don't.  Seen a bunch. 
Class A into Class AB
i don't really care, just trying to figure out what you were posting about and don't have the data.  was not clear what your point was.... 
Class A into Class AB
Geez i fell like a detective, and with that data inspector Clouseau to be specific.....per the threshold - complete the math!!  100mV across what? What's the derived current (which is what matters)?  Across the emitter resistors, which are what va... 
Class A into Class AB
that in an RMS sense… it is mostly Class-A.I think you mean in an **average** sense. RMS has to do with how we measure a wave:  peak, average, or "area under the curve" (root mean square or RMS).  It is quite different.  For a sine wave RMS = aver... 
Class A into Class AB
6 watts is quite a lot of class A power.  Given that most decently recorded music has a peak:average ratio of ~ 10 or more, that means that peaks would be 60 watts if you were, on average running in class A.And 6W is a lot of power! (surprisingly)... 
Aurender music servers: higher priced ones sonically better?
i don't know if i can find my old post - its a needle in the haystack. You might search on my user name.  But most of it is blocking and tackling - clean power, clean grounds, isolation, keeping nosy digital devices away from sensitive analog ones... 
USB signal timing goes mainstream. Just an FYI
I almost regret posting this.  Don't take much into that article except to point out that timing (not just bit recovery can be a real issue, and that when that bit transition is used in part to determine fully half the reconstructed waveform (the ...