
Responses from itsjustme

Aurender music servers: higher priced ones sonically better?
Roon is an interface has nothing to do with sound quality totally incorrect. Roon is a 1) server, 2) streamer, 3) multi-room and network streamer with its own protocol, 4) upsampling DSP, 5) MQA first unfold algorithm, 6) timing and bit depth adju... 
Why so many tubes?
Atmasphere nailed one good reason (duh).There are quite a few others, from using tubes to rectify, regulate, as differential amplifiers....none of which greatly complicate the signal path.  Plus several gain stages, each very linear, are sometimes... 
Aurender music servers: higher priced ones sonically better?
I don’t know much about the aurender, but i have streamed from itunes/bitperfect and (i cant recall the name) on my Macbook pro, and for years i have used Roon on a dedicated server. All three outperformed the CD player to the same DAC(s).I will p... 
Need a new FM Receiver that works very well
About two years ago i was on track to install a good attic antenna and run a lead to my tuner.  Then i had an epiphany.  Use internet streaming.  Honestly, while it is compressed (AAC or MP3) in general its better than most FM reception, and the v... 
Class A into Class AB
another agreement with @tom6897. **Pure** class A is tons of money, heat for what amounts to very little benefit. High bias Class AB works great.  There are way better places to spend money and get more sound improvement.And i design these things.... 
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling
on the topic of bit depth used in recording nad mastering, there are many reasons why more than 16 bits are used.  And, today, almost ALL recording and mastering is done at 24 bits. Must be better for us right?No.reason #1 is so that if levels are... 
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling
Nyquist goes to Hz sampling (the vertical aspect in the time domain) and the step landings - horizontal bits - would become narrower with higher Hz sampling rate. This is a bit confusingly worded. Harry Nyquist inferred from Shannon’s work (its ba... 
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling
1. timing/jitter (read the blog at sonogy noise on the ground of digital signals, that either pollutes the analog ground or impacts jitter (back to #1)3. Filtering - the reconstruction part, both by shifting the frequencies so the... 
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling
There are no "stair steps" in digital audio.Correct, but only after reconstruction filtering.For people who want to learn about it, you really ought to go back to the original journal articles by the pioneers in telecom int he 1960s - from the Bel... 
16 bit vs 24 bit vs 35 bit vs 36 bit vs 64 bit DAC sampling
My opinion is that you like the new DAC but it has little to do with bit depth. Others have noted that you are limited by the original recording anyway.  Its the weak link theory (kinda like life).I'll also point out that many of my absolute favor... 
How To Do You Measure the Quality of Your AC Power?
I think some mistake noise in the system to a ground loop.Let me preface with "not trying to be argumentative" - you both seem to know what you're doing and have things under control. But let's nto tell others that up is down or up isn't really hi... 
How To Do You Measure the Quality of Your AC Power?
I'm simply saying that i have used this in many systems to remove a ground loop hum.  Sometimes you have the same reference on two outlets, sometimes you don't.  But the simple fact that they are not the same places violates the principle of star ... 
How To Do You Measure the Quality of Your AC Power?
@jea48 :Careful. You're talking mostly about things that impact the power company and/or maximum utilization of your step down trans.  Nice, but not huge sonic issues.  The reason that many (including me) say that equipment ought to be on one leg,... 
Electrolytic capacitor replacement
I ought to have added, what i define as "superior" are the characteristics that affect sound quality, specifically both frequency and phase linearity. They are dissipation factor and dialectic absorption. Both are often on the datasheet. ’Lyics ra... 
Electrolytic capacitor replacement
Elegant would be more eloquent. Ditch the board. Hardwire direct. That's what I did. See the last couple pics on my system page.:-) correct on both.  But wait, there's more.I often drill holes in the existing PCB that match the leads, and use copp...