
Responses from invalid

SQ - AV processor preouts vs. stereo linestage preamp
I would go with a stereo preamp for music, even though you have a decent processor. They never seem to sound as good as a decent 2 channel preamp. 
Do I NEVER shut it off…?
That is NOT science. NOT the scientific method. ALL science must be subject to skepticism, and observed data. Just because a narrative fits a political agenda does not make it science and immune to review.Well said. The so called scientists on ... 
Do I NEVER shut it off…?
Accepted science doesn't mean it's true. Their are many scientists that disagree with the accepted science. 
Krell KSA 200s power feed
I believe krell must word their manual for 120 volt lines. I have the ksa 300s on a 20 amp breaker, but it's a 120 volt line. You only need half the amperage when the voltage is doubled. 
Krell KSA 200s power feed
Evidently the amp can draw more than 10 amps. Krell says it should have a dedicated 20 amp line. It will only need 20 amps if operating near it's limits but I would believe what Krell is suggestingIt will only draw half that on 230 volts. 
Krell KSA 200s power feed
The op is in Australia, where the line voltage is almost double of the USA, so a 10 amp 230 volt circuit is about equal to a 20 amp 120 volt circuit. The only thing we don't know, is it a dedicated outlet. 
Krell KSA 200s power feed
You shouldn't have a problem being you are on a higher voltage than the USA. It can make a difference to have a dedicated circuit that's not shared with other stuff from a noise perspective. 
Gryphon Diable 300 DAC vs. Lumin X1 DAC
What does Gryphon know about digital? They're a small Company.So, the bigger the company the better sounding digital equipment, I don't buy it. 
Tube vendors.
The only reason not to call Andy at vintage tube services would be if you can't wait 2-3 weeks for your tubes. 
Looking for preamp which is good at BOTH single-ended AND balanced output
even use both together for bi-amp setting.Are you using an active line level crossover when biamping these two amps. The balanced connections will be louder because there is a 6db increase in gain. 
see how matched they are.To properly match tubes you need a curve tracer. 
Tube vendors.
Andy is about 20 minutes from my house if traffic is light. 
Tube vendors.
I've had a pair of kenrad 6sl7 tubes from Andy in my preamp for over 3 years powered up 24/7, they still sound much better than the stock Russian tubes even after over 3 years. 
Tube vendors.
In what ways are they better than others by "quite a large margin"? He does more thorough testing and has better test equipment than anyone else that I know of. 
Tube vendors.
Vintage tube service is the best tube seller.