
Responses from invalid

Tube vendors.
Andy is about 20 minutes from my house if traffic is light. 
Tube vendors.
I've had a pair of kenrad 6sl7 tubes from Andy in my preamp for over 3 years powered up 24/7, they still sound much better than the stock Russian tubes even after over 3 years. 
Tube vendors.
In what ways are they better than others by "quite a large margin"? He does more thorough testing and has better test equipment than anyone else that I know of. 
Tube vendors.
Vintage tube service is the best tube seller. 
Do you guys that run low powered set amps prefer tube rectification or solid state diodes? 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
Some class D amps can sound good, but there is just something missing in the sound for my tastes. 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
Eastern Electric Minimax Tube DAC Supreme.Maybe that's the secret, color the sound of the class D amp with a tube dac. 
In term of construction, what's the difference between cheap vs. expensive power cables
Its superiority is measured by the price. More money, more better. Some guys make their own power cords for low $, if it didn't make a difference I don't think they would waste their time. 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
That tube also pulls more current than the other tubes.The cv181 has a heater current of .95 amps and the 6sn7 is .6 amps. Quite a few transformers were being destroyed when that tube was being sold as a 6sn7 alternate. 
In term of construction, what's the difference between cheap vs. expensive power cables
Are AC line-treatment devices necessary? Define necessary. "We try to build equipment that puts up with dirty AC lines," Pass told me. "Our customers expect it, and if they have a problem, we hear about it. We don’t design around the assumption th... 
Is anyone in the US making power cables like this custom PC cable ad on the Canadian Mart? 
KT150s in a Preamp Design?
I believe you can use EL32 tubes in that particular preamp as well as kt150. 
KT150s in a Preamp Design?
I've used 3b22/1616/3b28/866a in my space tech labs rectifier. They all sound different, the 3b22 has great instrument separation but sounds a little harsh like solid state, the 866a and 1616 sound the best smooth detailed dynamic sound with a big... 
KT150s in a Preamp Design?
I have a preamp with a separate power supply made by the company you posted the link to.  Noromance is right, my power supply can use two 866a Mercury tubes it made a big difference from the stock 274b tube that came in the preamp. The bigger tube... 
Why audiophiles are different (explained with color)
Y'all come back now.