
Responses from invalid

Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?
Bob Carver accepted the amplifier challenge from Stereophile, many years ago, and won. He showed that he could duplicate the sound of an expensive amplifierThen why is he making tube amps now. 
Class D amps that are superior to all or most?
I would think there would be less class a solid state amps, than tube amps. Seems like manufacturers are getting away from class a solid state. 
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse?
Most of the fuses in audio equipment is there as a safety measure not to protect the equipment, but to prevent fire. A fuse might blow before damage to the equipment but that's not what the primary purpose is. 
Classical music listening... what is a better source High Rez or Vinyl?
I don't own a vinyl rig, but one thing I have noticed listening to others vinyl rigs is the symbols always sound more natural to me than on any digital I've ever heard. 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
If there is a difference in sound when you change the direction of wire, I wonder if it would be measurable if all the wire in the complete system were orientated in the correct direction? I'm talking about the wire in the components as well as th... 
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
Is there even a true democracy anywhere in the world. 
Power cable education needed
So this guy measured an audiophile power cord that cost $20 on Amazon, why not test something like shunyata's lowest line power cord? 
This is very timely...
The high end market actually has more potential customers in the far east than they ever had in the west at any time. It's a status symbol in parts of Asia. 
Holographic Soundstage ?
Why don't you just put a good 6sn7 tube preamp in front of the krell amp. I couldn't stand my krell ksa 300s amp with solid state preamps, I got an octal tube preamp and it is so much better. As far as great holographic speakers, I have apogee due... 
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?
Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.Nikola Tesla 
transistor pre with the sound of tubes
I've left my tube preamp on for a few years now. The only time I turn it off is when I'm going away for extended periods, or if there is a thunderstorm. I compared the tubes that are in it to new ones and the nos tubes still sound better even afte... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
If measurements are the be all end all, then why do the top audio designers all do listening tests? 
Power cable education needed
Wiring is like a chain. The chain is as good as its weakest link. Since all your house is wired with a Romex cable of appropriate size (typically 15 - 20 amps), adding a much stronger link into the middle of it does NOT make it any better.The wi... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Electrical codes are have nothing to do with our understanding of physics changing. It is more about underestimating how stupid people can be, note comments in this thread. I also don't remember anything about rats chewing through wires in my quan... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Why are electric codes changed quite often if engineering has it all figured out?