
Responses from invalid

Was my friend given misinformation.
That's good advice, but I have a separate purpose built room for 2 channel.  
Was my friend given misinformation.
I have a marantz avr in a second system, and it doesn't sound near as good as my main system. I tried the preouts to my amp once and couldn't shut it off fast enough, very bright sounding with little bass. An integrated amp usually has way better ... 
What type of wire for dedicated 20A AC lines?
I disagree with the two posts above, I have a big krell amp and it definitely performs better on a 10 awg line than it did on a 15 amp 12 guage line.  
Monstrous power cables
Have you ever tried one?  
Buying from Canada!
I’ve never had a problem using postal service when having audio items shipped from Canada or the US it took about 7 days the first time and 10 days the second time, but that was just before Christmas.  
Cable curmudgeon
Don't a majority of musicians of this type experience some type of hearing loss after years of performing live?  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
I know Linlai says there is a difference between eastern and western bound tubes, but I bought mine from a Chinese dealer and they look identical to the ones from Grant Fidelity, besides the logo is a little different, so maybe viva got some early... 
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
Vivatubes the picture on your site of the Linlai elite 6sn7 tube doesn't look exactly the same as some of the other tube sellers, it may just be the picture.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
The global ones have the logo vertical and the eastern ones have it horizontal, but the internal structure looks the same, except for the ones from viva tubes.  
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
What other preamps did you compare it to besides the audio research? I personally don't like the sound of audio research preamps, might as well buy a solid state preamp.  
Balanced versus single ended
I remember reading a post a couple years ago, about a guy that had atmasphere equipment and he said he could hear a difference in cables.  
What difference do power cables make?
Why don't you get a few power cords from the cable company's lending library, it's a cheap way to try a few expensive cords and some lower cost ones and find out for yourself if there is a difference.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
The internal structure doesn't look the same on the tubes from viva.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
The only authorized dealer for the US is grant fidelity, but I see most of the Chinese sellers on the web have the same tube, it just doesn't say Linlai global on the glass. The ones viva has do appear to be of a different internal construction.  
Is This the Essence of "The Audiophile Dilemma?
I wonder how much audio equipment Jasonbourne52 has? Most people would think the same thing of you.