
Responses from invalid

MoFi controversy
So it’s okay to use deceptive practices, and charge more money for it. I’m pretty sure it’s a lot easier to use DSD than analog, but they charged for analog.  
Krell anticipator circuits of the 1990s
The bias is always in class A unless you exceed a certain temperature, then the top two bias levels stay in class A/B until the temperature drops.   
Krell anticipator circuits of the 1990s
There is opto-couplers in my ksa 300s amp. It will give you 300 watts of class A power for only a little while as the heat sinks aren't big enough to sustain it. If it gets to a certain temperature it will be class A/b on the top two bias levels u... 
Krell anticipator circuits of the 1990s
The ksa amps with the anticipator circuit also have a couple switches on a circuit board that say relaxed/normal, if switched to relaxed mode it becomes a class A/B amp.  
Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?
Oh yeah it doesn't have nothing to do with tubes being more linear than transistors   
What covid research can teach us about audio measurements.
The problem is the measurements most manufacturers list aren't always that important, if they listed all the measurements it might be a different story.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
The best place to buy the ken rads is vintage tube service, but you might have to wait a while to get them as he is backed up right now.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
Some say the black glass ken rads are better, but they both perform very well.  
Bluesound and BluOS
My node2 is hardwired, and I still have to uninstall the app from time to time, it's non responsive at times. I used to have this problem with tidal, but it somehow resolved itself, now I have the same problem with Qobuz.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
I wouldn't doubt if they are the same tube, maybe screened a little better from Grant Fidelity. If they truly are different, then why doesn't Linlai just say what the difference is inside the tube. All I know is my elite 6sl7 tubes sound better th... 
Bluesound and BluOS
I would be surprised if it's the router or anything to do with the internet connection, bluesound seems to have some problems, and they are hit and miss from unit to unit for some reason.  
Bluesound and BluOS
I have had similar problems with my bluesound, it seems to help if I uninstall the app and then reinstall it when problems arise.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
There shouldn't be any gases in a 6sn7 tube  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
I don't know what they could possibly do to make them sound so different if the internal structure looks identical.  
Using Adcom GFA-555s as monoblocks to power magnepan 3.3s in active biamp
 the bass panels will still be 4ohm but the amp will see a 2ohm load when bridged.