
Responses from invalid

Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
My Linlai elite tubes look identical to the ones pictured on Grant Fidelity's site, so I believe pinwa has a point.  
Using Adcom GFA-555s as monoblocks to power magnepan 3.3s in active biamp
I wouldn't do it, the adcom would be seeing a 2ohm load when bridged, plus if they haven't been serviced your definitely asking for trouble.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
I bought mine from hifi amplifiers, they came with a measurement sheet, I've been running them 24/7 since the 11th of may.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
I have the Linlai elite 6sl7 and they look identical to the ones pictured on Grant Fidelity's site. Other than the printing on the glass I believe they are the same tube. I purchased mine from China. They sound better than my nos ken rads that I b... 
Factory service for products from the 90's
Krell services their amps of 30 years ago. I don't think you could buy a new amp anywhere near the quality for what the repair would cost.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
From pictures on the web it looks like you have enough room between tubes on the vac 200 IQ amplifier.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
I've been running my Linlai elite tubes 24 hours a day since the 11th of may, except during a few thunderstorms. They don't get that hot in a preamp.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
The full name of Linlai was mentioned along with Linlai global in this article.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
The name in the lower right corner is actually the full name of the Linlai company.  
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
All the Linlai elite 6sn7 tubes I’ve seen pictures of look identical besides the logo on the glass, except the ones from viva tubes the internal structure looks different in the pictures.    
What type of wire for dedicated 20A AC lines?
I would think for this application solid wire would work better than stranded.  
Was my friend given misinformation.
That's good advice, but I have a separate purpose built room for 2 channel.  
Was my friend given misinformation.
I have a marantz avr in a second system, and it doesn't sound near as good as my main system. I tried the preouts to my amp once and couldn't shut it off fast enough, very bright sounding with little bass. An integrated amp usually has way better ... 
What type of wire for dedicated 20A AC lines?
I disagree with the two posts above, I have a big krell amp and it definitely performs better on a 10 awg line than it did on a 15 amp 12 guage line.