
Responses from invalid

Best DACs under $7,000.00
You want anolog sound with layering, get a space tech labs dac with one of his super rectifiers.   
Reminder: how to tell current from an amp's specs?
@8th-note   how do you know the Thiel's will sound anemic in the bass with tube amps, have you ever tried a high powered tube amp with them? There is a guy running tube research labs gt800 tube amps with apogee full range and he said the bass was ... 
Install A Dedicated AC Line at home
The electrical inspectors in my area don't even need to be licensed electricians, they go to courses that they don't even need to fully attend, most of them go golfing instead. I had a friend that worked there and had a heating and cooling licence... 
NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?
Triodes are more linear than jfets, as the jfet is more like a pentode.  
NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?
Tubes are actually more linear than transistors   
Have a tube that gets really bright when turned on and then dims quickly
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
The designer did use measurements, but I’m sure he didn’t  use just the measurements that are normally published in the manufacturer spec sheet.  
NY audio show 2022
All news outlets lie, didn't MSNBC say the queen died before she did?    
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
I don't know why measurements were even brought up if it doesn't have anything to do with opinion, then why bring it up?  
Why not?
I realize battery powered audio equipment can be better, I was making a point that some here say if a power supply is designed properly it will filter out all the power line noise, and this is simply not true.  
We Can Make Classic Cars Outperform Today's "SuperCars": Why Not Vintage Audio?
I thought it was common knowledge that electric cars are fast for drag racing, they have instant torque, try running them in a 500 mile race.  
Why not?
Why would a battery supply work better on the nagra if it is designed properly there would be no need, according to your way of thinking.  
Best High Current amplifiers stable into low impedances
Nelson pass addressed this question on the diy forum several years ago, he recommended the x600 monoblocks for the 1ohm apogee scintilla speakers.  
I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters    
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Newton's laws were fact until Einstein came along, so some facts aren't universal.