
Responses from invalid

Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
Thanks for posting the link, I should have done that but didn't.  
Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
There are pictures of the crossover for the FR30 on ps audio's Paul's post.  
AMP STRAIN : Balanced vs RCA
My amp has Heavy-duty, gold-plated, beryllium-copper bus bars making the connections in the power supply and the output stage.   I have Navy electrician associates that can only laugh at all this cable stuff. Their comment is that the tiniest o... 
Amir and Blind Testing
There are price points in every hobby, I'm glad there are $50 DAC's all the way up to $150,000 DAC's.  Just because there are expensive audio equipment doesn't mean you have to buy it.    
Connecting Amp to speakers
I use spades on the amp (tightened with a nut driver) and locking bananas on the speakers.  
Balanced a good decision. Why?
Does audio research follow the AES 48 balanced standard, I don't think they have in the past.  
5AR4 rectifier tube question
How much money do these mainstream rectifier tubes cost currently? I got off this train about 3 years ago when I bought a separate power supply with two 2.5 volt rectifier tubes that crushed all of these mainstream rectifier tubes for about $10-20... 
Acoustic treatment and acoustic mechanical control over gear upgrade for improvement
One of the best listening experiences I had was in a large room without room treatments.  The size of that room and the fact he was using apogee diva speakers set up properly had a lot to do with the great sound, would have been better with room t... 
Dipole speakers, subwoofers and that rear wall
I have my apogee duetta 2's away from the wall 7' I believe even further from the wall would be better if possible.  
Amir and Blind Testing
Look how amir measured the magnepan LRS, not very scientific.  
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
what about low efficiency planar speakers like apogee scintilla, it seems like they would dissipate heat better.  
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
I'm surprised people didn't get this upset when a member on this forum said pass labs amps were midfi.  
Amir and Blind Testing
Tube equipment has a very distinctive sound due to distortion.     Tubes devices are also more linear than solid state devices without the use of feedback, Which also could have something to do with the way they sound.  
Current Questions
Technically speaking no amp can really double it's power when resistance is halved, the manufacturer underrates the 8 ohm power output to come up with that figure.   
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
Is the Linlai 6sl7 already available?