
Responses from invalid

Amir and Blind Testing
I'm sure a lot of the equipment that audio science review gives great reviews for is the same stuff Amir sells at Madrona Digital.  
Amir and Blind Testing
So you are against the idea of searching for a better and more reliable understanding of what we are hearing? That sounds like flat-out anti-science.   I'm actually agreeing with audio precision, but some measurement types seem to think we al... 
Amir and Blind Testing
I'm ready glad that audio precision doesn't think like the objectivists on this forum, they actually think there is more or better measurements that can be performed in the future to better understand what we are hearing.  
Amir and Blind Testing
Okay sorry  
Electric cars will ruin late night listening?
Cheaper than gas, without any road taxes, plus all the plastic that is needed for the manufacture of electric vehicles will go up considerably when they are mainstream, not to mention how much it will cost to mine the commodities to produce them.  
Amir and Blind Testing
How could anyone be a member at audio science review for over 20 years when they were established in 2016  
Low Level Listening and Distortion
+1 ghdprentice  
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
I've seen preamps like topping come and go, but in 10-20 years nobody will be trying to buy a topping because they will know better.  
Electric cars will ruin late night listening?
Why would the hum from appliances and HVAC be reduced at night?  
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile stereophile  they take price in consideration as well as sound quality looks and build quality, so a $1,000 amp might be rated class A it doesn't mean it's as good as a 50,000 amp in sound and build qualit... 
Don Sach's pre amp
Pesky wabbit I agree with you that credit should be given to John Broskie for the buffer stage in the sp14 and the Don Sachs preamp.  
I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls....
Do receivers really count as high end audio?  
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
I don't think some of the posters on this thread understand what stereophile class A really means.  
Rectifier Tube Rolling in a Modwight LS 36.5DM
I don't know why all these rectifier tubes are so popular among manufacturers, they are usually overpriced and don't perform as well as two 2.5 volt half wave rectifiers.  I guess is because it's cheaper to implement than the 4 pin half wave recti... 
Amir and Blind Testing
What companies making novel and robust audio equipment are being stifled?