
Responses from invalid

Tube amps and a Stradivarius
I still don't think the best class D amps are as smooth and holographic as the best tube amps, but they are getting better.  
What covid research can teach us about audio measurements.
Next thing you will say is Ethernet cables are the same.  
Krell Fpb 300 engage capacitor for tube preamp
You don't have to use the jumpers, the problem was with a certain model bat preamp that put out too much DC. Most tube preamps don't do this.  
Help recommend a good tube preamp
I guess the OP isn't looking for the best sound quality, only looking for resale value.  
Bob Carver tube amps
@fisher_400  the transformers in question are the output transformers not the power transformers.  
Tube amps and a Stradivarius
Movie theaters use solid state amplifiers, so your point isn't a very good one. I've heard better dynamics in home theater systems than at movie theaters.  
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1  what does a Grammy winner have anything to do with sound quality, the Grammys are usually a joke.  
Tube amps and a Stradivarius
Try using transistors without feedback and see what happens.  
Tube amps and a Stradivarius
Triodes are more linear than transistors, which can also make them sound more realistic than solid state.  
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@prof  soundstage, imaging, and note decay, and that's just off the top of my head.  
New Western Electric 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amp REVIEW !
@jerryg123 I figured it was a drive by post   
New Western Electric 91E 300B Tube Integrated Amp REVIEW !
@jasonbourne52  you own the western electric 91E?  
Preamp for Parasound and B&W803d2
I'm going to recommend something a little different, if you call or email Al at space tech labs and tell him exactly what kind of sound you are trying to achieve he will get right back to you and have a recommendation. Most of his preamps are bala... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
So long as the cross-over is placed prior to amplification it is - by definition - active.  This is incorrect, there are passive line level crossovers as well as active.  
GaN guitar amps?
There are still some top notch players that don't use petals at all, Ronnie Earl comes to mind, I don't think this type of player will be switching to class D anytime soon.