
Responses from invalid

What is this thing? "Full Modulator Triode"
Josh stippich build some monoblocks using this tube back in 2003, his amps were tube rectified using mercury rectifiers. He had to use the power outlets from two hotel rooms because the breaker kept tripping at an audio show. Too bad he doesn't bu... 
UPS. Friend Or Foe?
You have to buy insurance because they can't do their job properly. Imagine if you had to buy insurance for every type of service.  
What is the highest quality digital music file? Where can I get it?
The bluesound sounds way better with a good dac. My node 2 sounded okay with the analog outputs but it was lacking details air and speed, I added a tube dac into the mix now it's so much better. I also noticed that if I tried using the node 2's to... 
Speakers with deep/powerful bass
The old Polk audio SDA line put out some really good low bass if you properly powered them. They also have decent sound quality with upgraded tweeters and crossovers.  
Used Bryston 7b-SST or Emotive XPA-DR1
It's definitely not a hard decision, go for the Bryston if the emotiva breaks it's not worth fixing. Bryston is quite reasonable if you need service on the amp later, plus the build quality is a lot better than emotiva.  
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
What company selling anything doesn't make bombastic claims.  
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
@mastering92  the apogee scintilla has a 1ohm nominal impedance mostly resistive.   
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
I don't see too many people on this site say to use garden hose speaker cables. It depends on the speaker you are using, if you have apogee scintilla I would definitely use a very short garden hose cable.  
I leave my tube preamp and tube dac on 24/7 along with my solid state amp  
Conditioning cds and dvds, before playing
@designsfx  I guess you know more than the engineers at Sony then.  
Maybe a waste of energy, but if not full class A biased it could actually give a longer lifespan.  
New Pink Floyd release
@kota1 you are not being forced to buy it. You would have to have 1 million streams per year just to make a living as a musician from streaming alone.  
I need some help with power in my home!
Most power companies use aluminum wire from the transformer to the main service feeder wire. The problem with aluminum wiring throughout the house is it can loose a good connection over time with temperature changes it's called creep.  
Conditioning cds and dvds, before playing
The green marker was actually studied by two Sony engineers, and then Sony came out with the green tinted CD. The color has everything to do with correcting scattered laser light.  
Network optimization for serious streamers
@xaxxon  the voltage for the 1's and 0's (high voltage low voltage) are analog, the interpretation is digital so noise can cause problems.