
Responses from hifitime

The Hub: Does a pair of 5's beat an 8?
The tube rectified 5's amp may outperform the 8 for that reason alone.The mono 5's performance otherwise may be similar.I find tube rectified amps better sounding in general. 
Making the best of mediocre speakers
Another problem,regular drywall will have a tendency to vibrate loose,whether screws or nails are used.I can't imagine what the in wall subs will do. 
Making the best of mediocre speakers
First of all,I hope you own the apartment,or got permission to do this.In the wall speakers just can't seem to sound anything like normal speakers.And another thing,are there any neighbors behind those walls with the speakers that may not enjoy th... 
Thiel speakers--can you power them with reciever?
I forgot to mention,A/V receivers use 8 ohms as the standard.They do not have to meet the old FTC standards that were made to regulate two channel stereo amps. 
Thiel speakers--can you power them with reciever?
Here are test results on Ultra 2 receivers.Anything over two channels kills the power.7 time 4ohms will probably kill the receiver.Denon AVR4308 140 watts.Drops to 111 watts X7 at 8ohms@1khz.Not 20-20,000,might not be possible.Test link below.Yama... 
Lexicon MC12B VS Mark Levinson NO.40
With Harmon being the owner of both,how much if any technology is being shared? 
Gauge + Length +Material = Sound
Any length change of cables will change the sound.Without trying it,who knows how much,and how noticeable. 
The Hub: Does a pair of 5's beat an 8?
Those amps have new caps.Your not going to be able to tell how they originally sounded.Coupling caps can make the amp sound like a different brand,or design.The 8B's sound good stock.A lot of people want them that way.The 8B's iron should be old e... 
Thiel speakers--can you power them with reciever?
Your receiver might overheat causing the outputs to blow/short ,possibly passing a lot of voltage to the Theil's blowing them out.Power amps that can drive 4 ohm speakers would on my priority list. 
How to connect Phono Stage from vintage receiver
Almonduck, that would give you two preamps,with extra tone,volume,balance,and more parts if you went from the 2230's preouts to your integated inputs.If it was a "power amp only" inputs,it should be ok. With Jea48's way will use the least amount o... 
Esoteric X-01 power cord
Could it be the placebo effect?It cost more so it must sound better. 
How to connect Phono Stage from vintage receiver
Jea48's way is the way I would go. 
Esoteric X-01 power cord
Don't waste your money on a power cord.Try a spare computer power cord and you shouldn't hear any difference.Maybe a different preamp may match up better if that could be a problem.Especially if your old CD player had that warm characteristic,a pr... 
Can a Magnepan 1.6 be BI AMPED?
Magfan,Thanks for the offer,but I'll pass on the math part.Years ago I used to change the tweeters and crossovers in a lot of speakers.I did a lot of math back then and used to get a good sized headache.Some did turn out a lot better,after I got t... 
Can a Magnepan 1.6 be BI AMPED?
Almarg,I shouldn't have put 8 ohms each halve without knowing the speakers measurements.Some speakers have crossovers with odd impedance characteristics.It would be nice if the companies gave more spec's with the bi-amp option.Amplifier companies ...