
Responses from hifitime

Advice on adding a sub to my system
Welborne Labs recommended speaker wattage link>>>>[http://www.welbornelabs.com/recomendspeaks.htm] 
6L6 or 300B or 2A3?
I was in the ballpark stating 1.5 to 2 watts for the 45 tube.You would need speakers over 100db efficiency for them most likely.The 45 is an awesome tube though.Those vintage JBL's and Klipschorn's never sounded so good.With your speakers efficien... 
Advice on adding a sub to my system
I still think you might get by using SED Winged "C" EL34's.They are the most rich,and musical modern EL34's I have tried. New Sensor's choice of EL34's are sort of laid back sounding in comparison to the SED's. Then if not,try the sub option.The d... 
Would a Parasound JC2 be a good match for a Mc30?
Being new to tube amps,always make sure you have speakers hooked up to the amps,and correctly.If you turn on a tube amp without the speakers hooked up,It can destroy the output transformers.Others here hopefully can steer you on the correct path f... 
NAD remotes
Here is the manual.It has a picture of the remote too.Hope this helps some.link>>>[http://nadelectronics.com/img/manual/NAD-C541i%28EN%29.pdf] 
Advice on adding a sub to my system
The SED winged "C" EL-34's are probably the warmest new tubes.They go for about $120-140 for four? The HSU with the tunable ports (foam plug for port) may help with inegrating it into your system.VFT-2 series? 
6L6 or 300B or 2A3?
They may be to inefficient.The 45 only puts out 1.5-2 watts ifI'm remembering right.10-12 watts plus sounds more fair if itsnot a large room. 
SS Amp Recommendations?
The Aragon is rugged,and may do a good job for you. 
Cary rocket 88 vs dynaco st70
I have one in the closet and the only time it had a hum was when I had to replace the 7199's.It showed a short on the tube tester.I'm not familiar with the Cary Rocket.Maybe somebody will still see the post.A Cary owner most likely went through a ... 
6L6 or 300B or 2A3?
If your thinking of trying a 2A3 triode,definitively try a 45 tube.One thing I don't know is why they sound the way they do.When a friend of mine first tried his out,we both said there is something right about it.We were paying attention to the mu... 
Cary rocket 88 vs dynaco st70
Might be a problem with the upgrade/rebuild job? A friend with the big 104db Klipschorns swaps amps for variety,and no hum on his stock Stereo 70. 
Any anti vibration tweaks are good.The power cords at right angles is a good idea also.If it can't be done,the next best thing to do is keep a good distance between them.Run power cords down one side of your rack/shelf,interconnects down theother ... 
speakers to go with Musical Fidelity a5.5 amp
Quad ESL ,but I don't know about price and how they do on rock. 
speakers to go with Musical Fidelity a5.5 amp
Try to find some that are real transparent too.Paired with a Musical Fidelity amp,they should do a lot better disappearing act than the Nad would allow.That makes the music more enjoyable and not thinking about the equipment. 
B&K reference 30 preamp
Sounds great!