
Responses from hifitime

The most hilarious ad ever on Audiogon?
These may need dedicated power lines!Massive heat sinks! 
Stay away from the Boston T830's930' They have a congested sound♫ 
Mark Levinson No.23 vs McIntosh MC7300
My opinion of the two is about the same as Apachef1's♬ 
The most hilarious ad ever on Audiogon?
Nice description too! 
Power Cables which take the soundstage back
Here are the best amps to try the most exotic power cords on![http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?ampstube&1264294258&/Handcrafted-De-Longhi-Ultimate] 
TW Raven One owners- will this be it ?
Are you going to be playing that much vinyl when your bones make funny noises getting out of the chair? 
The Cyclicality of Black Vs Silver
Mine is Heinz 57 all colors♫ 
The most hilarious ad ever on Audiogon?
Neat amps♫ [http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?ampstube&1264294258&/Handcrafted-De-Longhi-Ultimate] 
Driver matching vs break in period
I guess I should have said,try the new driver in the good speaker and see if it still has a big loss. I don't think that kind of loss is normal.Make sure the plus and minus are correct also.That my 2¢ 
Should I Try a Tube Preamp?
If you want the most benefits of tube sound,the output stage is where its at mainly.It depends on the speakers,and how loud you like to listen also.As far as a tube preamp goes,it may soften the harsh highs.They have tube buffers that will give yo... 
What floats your boat, sound wise that it?
Musical first choice,accuracy,then the add the extras♫ 
Driver matching vs break in period
Did they have the same part number?Also switch them (Midrange drivers)between channels to see if crossover is ok. 
I have a Jolida 302b and I'm looking for tube rec?
I brought my CD's to a dealer that had high end gear.They had the Jolida line and wanted me to listen to them.On my CD's the 302 and 502 amps just couldn't get the highs right.They got congested on certain passages.They herd the same and swapped t... 
Amp newbie? Adcom GFA-555 vs Mcintosh 2505
I wouldn't push the volume too much on the HK. It only consumes 310 watts max.That sounds like they may be giving it a higher power rating than it can really give out.Be careful until you get a quality power amp capable of driving 4 ohm loads all ... 
Power Cables which take the soundstage back
Oops,Somebody was talking to me and I misread the statement.I thought the 300 disc was Shellie's.A outboard D/A could help out with it too.But a expensive money wasting power cord sure won't.It does help the bank account of the PC makers and selle...