
Responses from grislybutter

Real world Loudspeakers what does very good cost ?
the Lintons are terrible value at that price, mediocre speakers at best  
Real world Loudspeakers what does very good cost ?
what was the question?  
If you had to narrow your choices to 4 - 5 speakers
Avantgarde, Dynaudio, Joseph Audio, Q, Totem (all there)  
Best €2500 sub purely for music?
is attacking people's reading skills some kind of medical condition? if you are new here: the OP usually asks a question, and then people write whatever they feel, relevant or not. It's not an SAT.  
Forced to DIY
I have been baking since I was 6, every week. I just haven't done croissants more than 3 times in my life, takes a bit longer. But not 12 dollars longer :)  
Best €2500 sub purely for music?
@hilde45 cool video. Not 100% compelling, doesn't say why you can't have good enough bass from your speakers but pretty convincing that having a sub is better :)   
Forced to DIY
I am probably going to start kneading too, the bakery nearby sells chocolate croissants for $12. USD. (There is no airport terminal or amusement park around it) Plain croissant is $7.20. How good can they be?    
Best €2500 sub purely for music?
even monitors can do well under 60Hz, otherwise I wouldn't have a crossover mess with my sub.  
Forced to DIY
haven't hired a plumber in 5 years. Learned to fix everything myself. With their quotes of $350+ an hour, it was the best thing to learn lately  
Sold a component and bought it back, am I nuts?
if they gave you way more in trade-in than what they posted it for, there is only one explanation that makes business sense: they acquired the item that you traded it for, for a lot less, and $1800 was just nominal. No retailer will offer x and th... 
Best €2500 sub purely for music?
btw I think in subs, Martin Logan is a sleeper. I tested 5 different brands and models and ended up with the 700 which beat all the other ones (Klipsch, SVS, Elac, Polk). It’s not perfect but way better than the other ones, blends in with my speak... 
Best €2500 sub purely for music?
on the subject: Monitor Audio subs were on my radar when I did my search. (I don't know if it has the features you are looking for, and I don't know how far the closest Monitor Audio store is to you. I am pretty bad at reading, and I am not even ... 
Best €2500 sub purely for music?
@endymion_joshi-godrez  so you are in Europe? (wait, I tried something never attempted in the history of audiogon: humor.)   
If you had to narrow your choices to 4 - 5 speakers
pigeon holed into what they have more and more companies sell online only, and there are less and less dealers and so they have fewer brands to offer. The age of amazony retail.  
what to do with a stereo that needs repair
I have a relative studying electrical engineering in College and one of their courses is amplifiers. He fixed several items for me. They weren’t high end like your item but amplifiers nevertheless, and it was fun for him, he at least knew enough n...