
Responses from grislybutter

un-becoming an audiophile
calling it a tantrum is like calling a women speaking loudly crazy. Name calling without addressing the substance is pretty childish....  
Spending a month's salary
netting 20K a month puts you somewhere in the 36th percentile of all of the active  audiogon users... Oh, sorry what was the question?  
Pro-ject vs Rega
I had Pro-Ject before and now the Rega 3. I think the Rega is a much simpler, sturdier design and build. I had quality issues with the Pro-Ject.  I am happier with the Rega sound but that's very subjective  
un-becoming an audiophile
it's pretty ironic when the admin removes your comment in which you say "they removed my comment". What are they so worried about? People finding out they remove comments?  :)  
Bose 901 VI flat?
@jwillox he just signed up. This is the place where B&O and Bose and Beat questions go to die (and nothing wrong with it, it's like asking the difference between breast and fly on swimswam)  
Used vs. new
"it’s a tricky situation since I have no way of listening to either one to see what I like better." you can buy and keep them for 30 or 60 days and then return them with full refund. once you narrow down what would match your space, amp, sources... 
un-becoming an audiophile
@2channel8  good to know I am not alone and crazy (well, in this sense)   
Used vs. new
you can buy better used speakers for the same $ but you knew that. If you have the money why wouldn't you just buy new?  
un-becoming an audiophile
@dadork my responses to you have all been removed. Seems like freedom of opinion is not a thing here when it irritates the wealthy's feeling good about themselves. audiogon should ban poor people and just become an exclusive club for the rich.  
un-becoming an audiophile
@jjss49 for your information I never said it's my business how anyone spends their money. What I said MANY TIMES was the exact opposite and that I am happy for anyone to have the wealth to buy whatever they please   
Feedback QLN Prestige Three Speakers Requested
re: mid-century vibe -  I am a big fan of it. The QLN does have that look. taste is a funny thing, for months I couldn't understand the Hegel look. And then suddenly it clicked, now I think it's one of the coolest designs.   
Feedback QLN Prestige Three Speakers Requested
one issue with the QLNs is the design - for me. Swedish speakers are usually stunning, but am not sold on the QLN's looks (not that I could afford them)  
un-becoming an audiophile
@jumia very true!  At least I have a couch. Working on a sweet stretch vs a sweet spot.  
Feedback QLN Prestige Three Speakers Requested
also, I have seen a lot of comments that Dynaudio likes power. I noticed the difference between a 30Watt and 60Watt amps but they seem to be happy with 60Watts as much with a 100. Knowing the Danes, they would engineer them with solid states amps ... 
Feedback QLN Prestige Three Speakers Requested
@bluethinker66  I have heard a lot of Dynaudio speakers but not the Heritage. I just read great things about it.  I would think that they are very hard to pair with a sub(s). They are so fine-tuned that adding bass would confuse the sound. At le...