
Responses from grislybutter

Feedback QLN Prestige Three Speakers Requested
are you going to sell the heritage speakers? (are they that bad?/that not good)  
un-becoming an audiophile
celebrate the ever widening first world income disparity irony or not: proves my point perfectly  
un-becoming an audiophile
@uncledemp you said it much better than I could (and I tried :) )  
un-becoming an audiophile
I was simply asking if $3500 was meant as an example of a little or a lot. Don't put words in my mouth, then you are just feeding your own arguments and ego, independent of what I said and meant. It has nothing to do with class warfare.    
un-becoming an audiophile
@russ69  One of my smaller systems was around $3500 Is that a little or a lot? I spent less than that on my "main" system.  (main = only)  
un-becoming an audiophile
@simonmoon @tomic601 did you read the comments under how-do-you-stop-house-guest-from-damaging-your-speakers It was a collection of the most selfish, egoistic, cynical, disrespectful attitudes I have ever seen. "Do you have the same hypothesis... 
un-becoming an audiophile
@larry5729 "the question we need to ask ourselves is what have we done for others?" very true. I don’t think people generally who spend many 1000s a year on upgrades alone are the type concerned with thinking about the well being of strangers.... 
un-becoming an audiophile
@fbgbill  that's a great looking rack.  The frames on the wall are crooked, fix them before the boss sees it :)      
un-becoming an audiophile
@emrofsemanon that's pretty funny. I would say they also use their audio equipment to get rid of their money  
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
I am pretty happy with Dynaudio. I find them OK with 50 Watts.    
un-becoming an audiophile
I am likely not an audiophile, I can enjoy music, if it sounds moving from a wide range of cheap equipment. I am not anal about hiss and pops and I don’t start moving cables if it doesn’t [insert contrived audiophile verbiage here]. I am always ... 
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?
@curtdr it didn't take long to turn this into a race of who has more hours of "dedicated listening sessions" a day.    
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
"Hard to process software programs" - I have never heard such a thing  
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history?
"Marantz 2235B" what shape was it in?  
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history?
no one ever gifted me anything nor I inherited a penny. It looks like money goes to money - in hifi as well