
Responses from grislybutter

Fee for home audition
I think gents forgot his pills or anger management meeting this morning  
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?
@bigtwin I still have to get to a point where she would not say:  "there is no freaking difference between this and the previous speakers"  
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?
I haven't yet. But I do enjoy building playlists and listen to them on long flights.   
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
why not the Buchardts with a sub?    
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history?
as a forever loser - at least in the buying and selling stuff, how about the opposite: bought new LSA speakers for $1400, and sold them at $500 a few months later - nobody wanted them for a penny more.   
Subwoofer Choice
I would also add, I had way better results with down firing subs. Much easier to match and place them.  
Matching Power and Speakers -- Much Ado about Not-that-Much? (Tube amps and speakers)
pta is a fringe publication, I have read a lot of uninformed opinions there. But there may be something to power being overrated.   
vienna acoustics beethoven baby grand
very different animal. Big factor is room size. The Totems are fantastic, the Viennas may not give you a better result. I always see them - VA speakers - in West Coast craigslist ads.  
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
yes, very true @yogiboy  silver lining: if I lose a ton on a sale, I will learn it for life not to make the same mistake again!  
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
@yogiboy  yes. E.g. I bought new LSA speakers for $1400, and sold them for $700 in 3 months. I guess I need to buy what people want. I am trying to learn it. I am probably spending 30-60 minutes a day looking at ads and prices and supply - lookin... 
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
"size does not matter" OK, I am confused :) while I know even less than you do (waaaay less) it seems that unless you can pull the speakers "far" out from the wall and still have 9+ feet in between from them, they will be too big  Also, matchin... 
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
@yogiboy that's amazing. I am usually the opposite, I can only sell hifi gear at a huge 30/50% loss.  
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
@yogiboy I thought it was the opposite, when you buy new you can easily return them, when you buy used, you are stuck with it  
Fee for home audition
there is a simple approach: charge a demo fee and waive it if the customers ends up buying the product.  
Fee for home audition
"So many of us in this hobby believe every dealer or manufacturer owe us something, which is unfortunate" this is the first time I hear this. I have yet to meet one dealer who pays attention to me like car dealers do or somewhere in between. They...