
Responses from gregm

The end of an affair?
Think I meant *threesome* above... whatever (it's late -- excuse). 
The end of an affair?
Martice, what about a shapely midrange, tight & full upper mid, beautiful headroom, and tight, full, effortless bottom end with long and finely-outlined extension?Wirehead: what are suggesting? That single Martice should get into a tri-some?? 
CAT Preamps are Great / Amps are Not?
I heard the cat stereo partnered with the cat Ultimate, driving Avanti IIIs (N'ost Valhalla cabling). Pls note the audition took place at a dealer and only lasted a few hours. Good sound. I missed the superlatives, though. This doesn't mean the am... 
I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks
3, that makes two of us! 
The end of an affair?
Why not go passive (no pun intended) for a while. Hook up a phono w/ some gain for analogue. Gives you time to keep looking while listening to music back home. Passive could be DIY, even.Good luck! 
What Are Your Audio Morals?
It seems I'm lucky in that my dealer welcomes me to sit in at auditions, and demos of outlandishly expensive equipment he knows I can't (or wouldn't) purchase. When I find equipment in the used market, I inform him and ask for his opinion; we have... 
For You: THE most imprortant element...
Emotion. Likewise with live music. 
Multiple Copies Of LP s Same Title
Rcprince, if do you hit B/pest, there used to be a main outlet for Hungaroton at a central square (called Vorosmarty) diagonally opposite a famous coffee & pastry shop re-named Gerbeaud. All this is very close to Dob utca (=street) Detlof refe... 
Speaking of power conductors in general, check out Ikarus' thread in reference to a W-Post article on the subject. ( seems that the cables conundrum is slowly being resolved after all. Final... 
Multiple Copies Of LP s Same Title
Detlof, thank you! But how on EARTH did you unearth Fulop Peter! I used to live in Mitteleuropa; it was only through a Hungarian friend I heard about him (and subsequently lost trace).I will certainly mail; thank you most sincerely for allowing yo... 
This is THE powercord I want :
Bravo, Ikarus, for unearthing this article. The french PPC has been applying similar (maybe identical) process in supplying cables to the National Health & Hospitals board since 1999... There was talk about supplying such cables to be used in ... 
what to upgrade
I second Sean's concept, and I second the other posters' suggestions. 1st get the last ounce of what you have, damping, compenents decoupling, etc are inexpensive and effective. THEN, work on components. Great ideas already mentioned, although I w... 
Sonus Grand Piano Home vs. Red Rose R3
Adding to the above, I'm not sure the McCormack alone will drive the Gd Pianos so, do check that aspect out. IMO a very good & very honest piece of equipment -- I'm not suggesting a change, just a litle research (or maybe adding a 2nd .5...).G... 
DNM from England/Swiss - anybody know?
I used to have a DNM 6A pre & Gem power, later pairing the 6A with modified EAR 519 monos. Also had a Linn pre. Never any Naim gear. To my ears, DNM sounded DIFFERENT than the Linn. The DNM pre was very analytical and clear; it also suffered h... 
Multiple Copies Of LP s Same Title
Thanks, Khawk! Indeed, I have been looking for years..! You wouldn't consider sharing your Significant Other and son, I suppose??? The team has very rare title-finding skills:-)BTW, for T's violin concerto, I can also recommend: D Oistrakh / Mosco...