
Responses from gregm

Carl hears through Diamond
Further unaccounted for minus points... this is getting frustrating, to state the least. A bit like getting a bad mark in school without an explanatin. For goodness sake, let's ALL give intelligible communication a go. A SILENT minus won't help me... 
TUBE....Starting with Power or Preamp ?
Supakit, adding to the above, I suggest you AUDITION a reasonably priced tube (good recommendations above, IMO) on yr Mac. You like jazz, percussion, etc, if I read correctly, you will appreciate transient attack. So, go for a tube pre w/ good pow... 
SS versus Tubes
Martice mentions owners' involvement and Rushton comments on contemporary tubes' "roadholding", if I may use the term. A pair of Kronos KR6000 monos I auditioned recently confirmed the latter -- but, do NOT allow the former. The tubes are propriet... 
Power Cord Challenge
Hey, again! Pls, don't forget to post results! I'm ~25.000 transatlantic miles away and impatiently awaiting...Cheers! 
SME III Tonearm: Classic or Dinosaur?
Ditto, above, regarding cartridge mass. Very fond memories of the arm on a TD 126 + Grado (yes, me too!).Cheers! 
SS versus Tubes
Martice states my case, too -- if I read correctly: tubes have given me the most "euphonic", musically better if you wish, results with acoustic instruments & voice. SS rise to the task with electric/onic instruments.My down side: still having... 
Nordost Red Dawn revII vs SPM
Rackon, thanks for your comment. Subaru, I wonder whether the sound will become smoother or dull, if U go for a non-silver rca... Regarding RF, a friend suggested the following(I never had the need to try this out): take alu foil and wrap it aroun... 
Carl hears through Diamond
Lak, I got good sonic synergy using both, IC and speaker cables from bearlabs. I compared them to Nordost (quattro fil /spm ref speaker cable) and Siltech Gold (#?? / again, both IC & speaker) and Symphonic Line "ref" (again, full set). I repe... 
Electrostat Speakers with sub. Finally
Good for you, Kubla! I never got to partner my tube active electrostats with a sub -- before I had to sell them. You succeded where I failed.Best wishes for enjoyment, from afar! 
How much does your system retail for?
Kitch, thanks for the stat. With help from Psgary, this makes me just about average --- a great excuse for getting my next ruinous investment (power amps) past my very significant other, etc.Cheers! 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Kev, there are at least TWO psychiatrists amongst us. Maybe they could recommend a suitable canine colleague. You must move fast: your dog's residual audio memory surely has its limits.Sean, sorry: pls excuse this departure from seriousness.Cheers... 
Carl hears through Diamond
Carl, I have near identical sonic experience with the Quattro-fils. Nordost have now launched the (more ruinous) Valhala. For the record (& if you have the time/patience, etc) could you give these a go, too. The local dealer is trying hard to ... 
Sell King Cobra s and buy F I M Gold ?
Oooooops, I've been caught sleeping. Off topic, mea culpa, I see the rotten eggs & tomatoes... keep them coming!! Pls disregard the above...I have used ensemble with good results (balanced sound across the spectrum, "low-fat" in the bass, very... 
Sell King Cobra s and buy F I M Gold ?
Chuckie, pls excuse me asking the obvious: can't you try the FIM ? -- IMO, first on your dac3 allowing a good 2hrs for stabilisation (I seem to remember the dac3 takes time to fill up after being disconnected from power); then on the SP6a (nice ma... 
Ideas for new Turntable
Hi John. Using the Studio as a clue to your taste: VPI, clearaudio, S. Yorke (price?), could be added to your list. Arms: I like the Graham (can't comment on the others) and would add the Morche -- very versatile.A used Goldmund could also fit the...