
Responses from gregm

Reviewing the Reviewers
Slawney, "excercis(ing) influence" requires acceptance on the receiving end, IMO. i.e., it takes two to tango... one giving advice or expressing opinion, and another to listen, acknowledge, "intelligently". I think this isn't always the case.It se... 
Redwiki - About racks, shelves...
Has anyone tried perspex shelves? Also, Red, other than rack/piece of equip. is there an optimum height of racks in your experience. 
Using Linn With Other Brands
Doug hit the nail on the proverbial head regarding Linn plc's marketing hype. Just want to specify that in my previous post, I'm quoting the Linn chap; whereas Doug is relating personal experience -- a much more valuable guide in your quest, IMO. ... 
Jadem, thanks for the warning! I placed plastic balls as bearings onto concave brass rings and the lot (3) under my CDP to provide the much vaunted exit route for mechanical energy (following the earthquake trick used in foundations). BUT, my fron... 
Using Linn With Other Brands
A Linn employee once told me this: Linn electronics are designed to reproduce a specific "sound" (bouncy, a bit on the bright side, musical, bass rythm -- a bit heavy on lower-mids & bottom), NOT to be the clearest, most analytical, most revea... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
9fold: Mes & Detlof are trying the mod -- so we'll know (if it's "...really.. better", as you post). I agree that many of us are suggestible -- but not THAT predisposed, surely!Cheers! 
Terry Evans and the Blues
Koko Taylor, "Jump for Joy", Katie Webster, "Two Fisted Mama" (both Alligator), BIG MAMA Thornton, "Jail" (Vanguard). C'mon guys, just three of the must haves. 
Power Amp for Sonus Faber Electa Amatour
To the integrated (nice, small), the Goldmund, Spectral, and Aleph (all EXCELLENT choices), do add YBA Passion, S-Line RG4 (a bit beyong the price). All these amps share driving power and "musicality" that can make the Amator rock n sing. Your ear... 
Jazz Review
This album exemplifies Miles' incredible ability to "create the musical future" and to lead/conduct a veritable powerhouse of jazz soloists. The music is, IMO, a musical landmark. The compositions (esp. Sanctuary, B Brew, Pharaoh's Dance) link tra... 
Classical Music Review
Chorus, Dresden Staatskapelle O., P. Schreier. 10/9This is the older (1725) version, with Schreier at 63 conducting and singing the Evangelist's part. A very emotionally involved and powerfull performance; the singers sound to me to be spilling ou... 
Classical Music Review
A hapsichord version to supplement the piano. Hantai's playing is vigorous and rythmical (not as fast as one by van Asperen). I find the playing very good technically -- but also very musical. Hantai gives us a hapsichord performance that is alive... 
RPG Skyline mounting on ceiling
Bob, how did you determine the one corner bass problem? Boom...? Excuse my naivete. BTW, I have a similarly "cosmetic" treatment in my room and a rug covering the 1st reflection on the ceiling (yr cellulose is far better, I'm sure).Rdr: why not tr... 
Members: start a music review section?
I could chip in for classical. With many others here listening to classical, we might end up with a selection archive of a few, well argumented and recommended "five star" performances for certain works. The quality of the recording, however, does... 
The end of an affair?
Think I meant *threesome* above... whatever (it's late -- excuse). 
The end of an affair?
Martice, what about a shapely midrange, tight & full upper mid, beautiful headroom, and tight, full, effortless bottom end with long and finely-outlined extension?Wirehead: what are suggesting? That single Martice should get into a tri-some??