
Responses from gregm

Reasonably priced 2K Phono Preamp?
To the above I would add the "DACT" 101 (#?). It comes in semi-kit form (i.e. the circuits are ready, you add casing + batteries or separate power supply). A friend of mine put it together with active PS. It sounds wonderful, has gain of its own (... 
Dedicated line vs. power conditioner
MO (mostly as above): 1st you need the juice, plenty of it -- so, dedicated line(s). 2nd, when you HAVE juice, you "clean" it if you need to.Good luck! 
Replacing my preamp???
The Adcom 750 is a reasonably priced, well performing piece -- but, IMO, so are: the Melos (as in doug, above) and your BAT. I "third" the first two questions; not knowing what you don't like about the BAT, I may be wasting your time proposing the... 
What s Your Frame of Reference?
Very true, Onhwy61. I use recordings, such as Chesky's "Ultimate Demonstration Disk" that give an introductory explanation of what & how we're supposed to hear the track that follows. Apart from the repetitive boredom, it can serve as a benchm... 
Musicality" in a system? What IS that ?
Frogman, couldn't we assume that the performer's(') spirit influences their performance? Furthermore, that the musicians' personal psyche and the surrounding collective energy (for want of a better word) permeate the spirit? If so, there will be n... 
Pass X-150 X Levinson 334
Famaraca, can you check out the synergy either of these amps w/ your Krell -- I do mean, try it out. This may be a decisive factor (I can't tell offhand -- maybe Lev has knows?). Either amp should drive the speakers superbly...Pass design & co... 
Pass X-150 X Levinson 334
Hi Famaraca. Pls give more info: Which speakers do you have and what kind of music do you listen to... partnering equip.Having listened to both with their respective partnering pre, but in DIFFERENT home systems, I lean towards the system with the... 
Speaker Grill Cloth, On or Off
Megasam, like you, I et more ambience on my Gen Vs with the grill off. However, I have to dust -- VERY CAREFULLY -- ever so often. Take care with the dusting!! 
Cartridge for an old GRACE 707?
Hi, Dickens, your post takes me down memory lane (i.e. I've SEEN two Graces -- but can't quite remember one from the other). The wooden one (707?) worked well with the V den Hull MC10, MC20s; the Ortofon 10 & 30; Grado & Denon (but, model ... 
Are Audiophiles Obsessive Nuts?
In 2 above, I mean "...musician friends belonging to the "others" category..."Sorry. 
Are Audiophiles Obsessive Nuts?
Meta, I think the word you want is "observe", as in S-Holmes' caveat to Watson: "you see but do not observe, my dear Watson" (about the number of steps leading from the entrance to the living room: Watson saw these many times a day...).Certain tho... 
Tight Bass
Hear, hear, Detlof. To "well controlled" I would add, "...and sustained throughout the duration of the passage/piece of music...". All too often, amps either run out of juice, or otherwise fall short of giving us the full dimension of lower regist... 
Power for Audio Physics Virgo speakers
Cbe, the Avantis go lower, and give more of a sense of volume/weight to instruments -- also closer, IMO, to natural sound when properly set up. So, better. Also more expensive. The new Avantis are easier to drive well than previous models, i.e., t... 
Modification of speaker cables
When soldering, make sure U remove previous solder (or cut off) and your connection is shining (= not "cold" soldering). As Jeffloistarca, created the connection without the solder and secure it by soldering. Bare wire WILL oxydize but, as Onhwy61... 
Absolute Best power amp, tube ss
Errr, "hear some of the others mentioned..." is what I meant, ofcourse.