
Responses from gregm

Interest in an interconnect
Following up on Sd above, I would also suggest you run this idea by cable manufacturers, both mega and small, with an objective to obtaining the matl for free. The library could be be a one-to-one marketing place for them... 
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?
Well, Detlof, beat me to it on the question of stators' bass directionality!!! Fortunately, for I couldn't have put it better; my experience is identical (down to the police visit).Another small point: I had good dispersion in the mid-highs but al... 
How often do you listen to live music?
Not often enough, alas! Lately, twice a month for classical and once for jazz, blues etc. Offerings and also office hours are a set-back. I cannot just hit a concert at short notice: must plan my schedule well in advance. I miss having the opportu... 
Floor Resonance and Full Range Speaker Stands
Concrete slabs may "ring" while granite can absorb -- so probably better. I beleive the best solution would be to use granite sized slightly larger than your speakers, and decouple the granite from the floor with the likes of Audiopros or even che... 
Clearaudio Reference Mistracking
Lowering the arm to bring the stylus to a ~15 degrees angle and checking that the cantilever is 90 deg vertical to the arm's tracking line, helped -- i.e. there were FEWER occasions of sticking. Although this was with a clearaudio cartridge (can't... 
Are Horn Speakers good or bad or simply a complete joke?
I was impressed by Living Voice and Acapella horns, driven by Atmasphere & 300B SE's (can't remember which). Acapella use composite matl for the horn, so no metalic ringing. The midrange, the sense of space the holographic imaging were outstan... 
The infamous
I have to step in with Detlof's post above -- and with Albert's numbers. I have failed to get a "lower-cost" system transport me with the sound, say, of a symphony orchestra... Furthermore, my experience has been that, over a certain level of spea... 
Bass in my room isn't good? Help
Adding to Edle's to-the-point words, the 40Hz/ 160Hz "anomalies" could be due to speaker placement vs. room acoustics.Is your JM the Mini Utopia? If so, roll-off should be sharp @ a little over 70Hz -- so play with the sub accordingly, as Edle sug... 
Ever add a Aftermarket Cord to a TV?
Ditto, Praudio, with my TV & vcr (home-made cords). Also cleaned contacts b/tween TV, vcr, & antenna -- with positive results!Cheers! 
Is a 12' X 16' room big enough for stereo?
Francis, while you're at it (building, I mean), do consider getting some dedicated power lines for that room.Cheers & good luck! 
SACD : why ?
Hi Badwisdom -- unusual experience you had there! I assume you used wide-band amplification & matching speakers during the test (to get well beyond the 20kHz "audible" spectrum)? Of the few SACD titles available, it seems that many are remaste... 
How much are you worth ?
Hey, tfta: occupational "hazards" maybe :>) {pleasant ones, at that!)Cheers! 
the who
The original vinyl version of Who's Next sounds good with reasonable dynamics -- Quadraphenia less so. Haven't compared to the cd version, though!In another thread, Blues Man noted that some "remastered" versions sport LESS dynamics!!Cheers! 
Electrical gurus please help....
I can second Craig's experience with all power conditioners I've tried (loss of dynamics, was my complaint) -- bar one: a new Accuphase (sorry, don't remember model #). Dedicated lines, on the other hand, have been a relatively cheap and exception... 
Jazz label and CD review
Thanks for the tip, Sd! At a tangent: I'm having trouble finding a label offering (reasonable sounding) CD re-issues -- or better still, previously unreleased matl -- for CBS artists... other than Sony. Is there such a thing?Thanks!