
Responses from gregm

Please explain clipping
Great responses (wow, Sean), if I may say. Just to add on ss vs. tubes, mentioned above: tubes have high voltage-low current operation and thereby sound more "forgiving" in extreme driving situations than ss (lower voltage-higher current) i.e., th... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
My best break was w/ my mother in law. We auditioned speakers together (the full A-Physics range) and my wife caught on! Although she considers audio as my (expensive) "toy" she does enjoy the wine scene Angela describes. And she appreciates "voud... 
"White Light Monitor" (slawney's review)
Slawney, thanks from me too for the review. What digital sources were used (just to get a complete image)? I assume you heard the WLM at Frankfurt (I nearly made it to the show -- I could have kicked myself now...)?Cheers 
Recommended Classical CD
Do NOT recommend you play Mega's Telarc (Mackerras/LSO) too loud (esp. part 4) !!! I could also suggest Mahler 2 & 5 (a small departure from the Russian masters).Cheers! 
Bannana to spade adapters
You can also chack out Cardas' adaptors. I've heard good things about them (but not "them"). I assume you've ruled out the possibility of using the existing bananas, or changing the termination on the cables? Adding an extra link to the chain is n... 
What Chopin solo piano cds are the best?
Thanks, Frank. 
Who R U?
Detlof, you untidy! My, you've crushed my vision! But then, you UNtidy is probably identical to my tidy. Those pavement washing machines are great: ever since they brought little cleaner-scooters in Paris you can finally walk on the pavement witho... 
Gain on Odyssey Stratos
Ask Klaus about impedance matching too, while you're at it!It could certainly affect the matching!Good luck! 
What Chopin solo piano cds are the best?
Hey Frank, where are you off to? The party not over yet (and there'll always be someone to give us a ride back home)!BTW, I HAD forgotten the Pollini -- but can't find it in the dg catalogue. Would you have particulars? I was hooked on Cortot and ... 
Love's always on topic, Glen! Markman, obvious query: budget for the alternative amp? BTW, cummings used lower case and full-stops only: am I correct?Cheers! 
Who R U?
Ofcourse, Detlof! As a bonus, you get a lake, polished streets, swiss clockwork efficiency -- that makes me feel SO inadequate by comparison, I have to take an aspirin and go to bed! Also, isn't that where the internet actually started out?David, ... 
How Long to Break-In Virgos?
Newer models take longer than older ones. So, IMO, 100-150 hrs; you should obtain a sense of space that is followed by mid & lower bass definition and extension (ref: Big's "3D stageing"). Jfrech, I propose pink noise at low volume rather than... 
Top Ten Tweaks
Pipe cleaners for RCA connectors. Cleaning all contacts periodically (D-K beware of alcohol: it derodes the gold plating!) Black marker on the CD edges. Keeping cables away from each other (use cigarette or cigarillo boxes and thread cables throug... 
Markman, SS or tube topology doesn't matter -- your ears do (and your pocket). Remember those tube Marshall guitar amps?IMO, first single out 1-2 recordings you'll use in auditions. My suggestion: 1x Chicago R&B + 1x Soul. 2nd, speakers: capab... 
Jazz Review: Miles Davis
Thanks again, SD!