
Responses from gregm

Wadia, Audio Aero, Meridian, BAT and BOW
Arup, this may be the *export* price, i.e., a dealer's buying price -- not a dealer's expected retail price... whatever the reason, it's unbeatable!Cheers! 
Why do people think I'm nuts involving audio?
Sc, speaking of nomenclature... Having learned the appropriate audiophile vocab, my friend (a music-phile)has lately invented & uses her own terms esp. when talking to audiophiles. Hence, cables become "wires" (ofcourse), cartridge a "cartiled... 
Unreadable CDs: unscientific testing
Great idea! How 'bout certifying, too -- as in "Cisco, MS certified", etc?Cheers! 
Anyone heard the KR Enterprise Antares????
Is this the new stereo SE triode (~15W/channel)? If so, yes. It was driving a pair of Virgos & then Avanti III. Sounded very authoritative, not obviously lacking in power (maybe reaching its limits on the Avanti, playing LOUD). Sound was like ... 
Unreadable CDs: unscientific testing
Sean -- could you check out the name of that automotive "rubbing compound"?Thanks! 
Does crossover make a difference in efficiency?
Strongly advise against "self-tweaking"-- the manufacturer has spent lots of time working out the right crossover for your model! W/out a crossover, efficiency would increase but uniformity of sound could be lost; units have varying impedance rati... 
will a ps audio 600 power a krell kav 250 and ead tm 500?
Sean says it all & Marakanetz explains it. I just happened to listen to a similar set-up -- hence the post. Even the regular wall socket (not the one you have yr ps600 on -- another one) will do better.Cheers! 
"Music and the Pleasure Zone" in today's Washington Post
Something like being stoned with/out the side-effects? (Except for the upgraditis virus, ofcourse.) Plus, it's neither fattening nor immoral. Hell of a deal!Thanks, S. I'm showing this one to the boss (i.e. my S O)Cheers! 
Recommend Higher Power SET Amp
I second the OTL idea, alongside the SET one -- and Atmaspheres are quite reliable. However, these don't come cheap either and I wonder whether the Atma 30 (cheaper) couldn't add an extra 3db intensity?Another constructor is KR; although not cheap... 
Why aren't these on the "recommended list?"
Amen, Cornfed (if you'll allow the expression)! 
Jernst: I heard on yr TT & liked, Benz Glider, Clearaudio (the $ c.500 model), V D Hul (again around $4-500).Pls excuse my imprecision, I don't remember the models offhand.Cheers! 
Verdier and Amazon
Posts above are eloquent & specific -- Thomas & Kelly voice my opinion. However, if you fancy the exotic, think of the Gabriel TT: platter in the air, only connection b/ween LP & TT being the stylus. The belt connects to the motor whic... 
Best speaker with tubes?
From experience, I second the Kharma, Dunlavy, and ML views above. I could add Virgos and the smaller-sized Piego. Also, Pfkd's idea for Gen V is excellent IMO -- but you have to "coordinate" their servo with your Cary...Good luck! 
Redbooks: as good on Sony SACD as on Cary 303?
Blues Man, I assume the point you're making is that players have become better (sonic) value for money? i.e. incorporating now, & at an "affordable" price, quality/technology that only very expensive units offered years ago (bar a few advances... 
110V/50Hz equipment in a 220V/60Hz country.
I seem to be slipping lately! Thanks for the info, SF & Detlof.Cheers!