
Responses from gregm

hopeless LP's
Hi P, I have those F-Ds on cd -- strangely, on Universal label! BTW, some of those are mono recordings...Cheers! 
Why Can We plug our AMPS directly into wall w/o Worrying?
Ideally, heavy loads (i.e. amps) should be plugged into separate outlets. If you don't go down the dedicated lines way, try to use different outlets (from different lines) to plug in yr equipment -- rather than plugging everything into the same ou... 
Why Can We plug our AMPS directly into wall w/o Worrying?
Baz,As Garfish intimates, "clean power" is important where the chain is most vulnerable: pre, digital front-end, etc. Power amps are less vulnerable (they usually have very large power supplies of their own), but they DO need to draw current -- he... 
Help with my University Research Project
Trthomp, there is certainly no lack of interest in your project! Thank you for sharing your findings with us as you go along (your time permitting).Cheers! 
Can a Sumiko BPS be retipped at a reasonable cost.
Gabe, there was a thread a while back called the BPS club (or something) that may have info. I retipped a BPS 3 times (OK, OK, joke's over:>)) at V D Hul for $~80/time. But this was in Europe.Good luck! 
Where is the weak chain in my system?
Cj, I suggest you consider cables, cords, etc, AFTER tweaking the system as is; only after optimising your present system's operation will you be able to assess the suitability of new components to yr system & musical taste.Judging by your thr... 
hopeless LP's
Pcanis, (drool), not the Heine Songs with G Moore on piano? Tell me when & where you throw that one away (I would willingly save you the trouble & throw it for you :).Your decision to hang on to those vinyls rules!Cheers 
Recommendations of best violin recordings performances
A few violin concertos chosen for performance. Bach 1&2: The Amsterdam Baroque Orch/Koopman. Brahms: D. Oistrakh/Orch della Svizzera Italiana/O. Nussio // D. Oistrakh/Moscow Philarmonic/ K. Kondrashin // D Oistrakh/Staatskapelle Dresden/Konwit... 
Thinking of rcprince who works in Manhattan
Russ, Ray & others, it's a relief to see you're here (but what of so many others...). Was away with no Net access when this happened.How are U faring after witnessing this..? What's going on in NY now? "Getting over" a shock is easy to write a... 
How often do you listen to live music?
J-D good to see you again, in this neck of the virtual woods! 
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?
Detlof, now that you mention the side walls issue, I remember that the narrow stats were standing ~10 ft apart centre-to-centre and two ft from the side walls. Eight ft into the ~23ft room -- i.e. not far from your present set-up (between 1/3 &... 
Are Horn Speakers good or bad or simply a complete joke?
Sean, Duke, I listened to a huge, Avanguarde model, quite a few times last year. The horns are polymer?, vinyl? (not metallic, anyway). Sound was ecstatic when listening to jazz or other SMALL ensembles. Female vocals also great (jazz & classi... 
Manger speakers ???
Since A-Physics uses these, you might try Also, Manger have their own site which has an english version, if I'm not mistaken: / or a US site (haven't checked this one) www.mangerusa.comI had Manger loaded s... 
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?
Sean: having lived with planars & e-stats for 12 yrs, I too would dare advise against yr having expectations from the highs -- especially as new media can go well over 20kHz. The mids& mid-highs are very fast, granted, but until two yrs ag... 
Better Quality CD's
EMI's "Recordings of the Century", Decca's "Legends", Sony Music's 20bit re-issues, and DG's "The Originals" sound pretty good (DG is variable). But that's classical. What do you listen to?