
Responses from gregm

Audio physic virgos - Has anyone tried tubes??
Yup. With KR 8000 (¬50W triode, huge power supply), Atmasphere (the small ones) and Pathos twin tower (OK, it's a hybrid, but still...). I found the sound superbly correct, euphonic, and appealing. The asking price appalling. Along with the inspir... 
110V/50Hz equipment in a 220V/60Hz country.
Hi Vas, some (rotor) motors depend heavily on cycles to keep the right speed (TTs, cdp's & tape players use motors). So, IMO you're best converting these machines to EU (if that's where you're headed!) standard 230/50. Surely manufacturers can... 
Impedance macthing pre-amp amp need advice
The standard rule of thumb: OUTPUT impedance of pre TO INPUT impedance of power amp, 1:10. So, if the VT's INPUT impedance is, say, 100, the pre's OUTPUT impedance should be 10 (or less) for best effects.Sean, BobBundus & others can further el... 
Wadia, Audio Aero, Meridian, BAT and BOW
Salut Badwisdom,I think you'll like both the Capitole & the new Electro; using the Capitole as a benchmark @ FFr: ~30.000 (that's a quote I got a few months ago), rate it against the EMC for your budget & musical taste. From hearsay, the c... 
low efficiency speaker vs. high efficiency speaker?
Plato, thanks for the corrections & for clarifying what I was trying (unsuccessfully) to convey! As to "mikey": my idea was that a good speaker, be it efficient, will reveal shortcomings in the electronics. So, "make fun" of those electronics.... 
power amp or integrated?--tube of course
Jim: before reading Kelly's post my mind went to the Twin Towers! I have listened to the Tempo/Pathos combo & was favourably impressed. The amp sounded well in control, the timbres were good and the sound beautifully fluid.The NuVista mentione... 
low efficiency speaker vs. high efficiency speaker?
No. It means that the 93db speaker will play louder than the 86db at the same volume setting on yr pre (or yr integrated). Officially and usually, the db(a) rating documents the intensity of the sound reproduced @ 1 volt/1/2 kHz signal (unless oth... 
An open letter to Terrorists
Lots of emotion expressed. And justly so. I, for one, can identify with Doug's words. Maybe because I know where he's coming from. What if the West sent "terrorist vulnerable" muslim countries the fleet carrying $10 bill. of food & medical sup... 
A Chance to do Some Good
Hifi, thanks for posting and the call for support. The internet is global, and yr message reaches Europe as well...Indeed, you are not alone! 
Depth of sound stage--I need help
To the above I can add that J. Gerhard (Mr. A-P) likes near-field listening. Immedia has a presentation on speaker placement that U may want to consult. Regarding A-P I have found that the more the horsepower provided the bigger the "8" imaging an... 
How good is my source?
Sarah, God Bless. Mkaes, those R 3 different-sounding units you R considering. Unfortunately, I don't know the CL20 to compare & contrast for U... sorry. Also, what kind of music do U listen to?My preference (I listen to classical, some jazz &... 
What is the cause of my sibilance problem?
Gallaine: let's revive the basic assumptions. If mismatch, there can only be two points producing the sibilance if we rule out equipment per se: trans->dac, dac->pre. If you switch off the rest of the system and listen to headphones alone: i... 
Anyone uses FM Acoustics 155 Preamp
Oooops, posted wrong models. Resolution 266 pre, Res. 411 power, was the combo I listened to. Sorry. 
Anyone uses FM Acoustics 155 Preamp
FM Acoustics! Lucky you. What advice R U seeking? Having only auditioned FM, I don't know if I qualify to post-- but here goes. I listened to, and loved, a full FM set driving Tannoy 12s (150 amps, I THINK your pre). Transparency, speed, and accur... 
Help with Avalon Opuses
Stdaddy: generally speaking, Avalons support wide-bandwidth reproduction, they have speed & superlative dynamics. So, you'll need horsepower, fast (slew rate), and precise amps. Which brand? It's up to your musical tastes to make the choice. I...