
Responses from gregm

2 Questions on General Music Preferences
Kitch's last sentence rules! Otherwise, I would go for the walkman in the first case & silence in the second -- although, as D-K notes, respect for others' musical choices is important.Cheers! 
Speakers for Pathos Classic One?
Hi G13 -- in case you missed it, look up my post to yr previous thread on this amp. To follow up on yr next thread, the speaker cables used were Nordost Valhalla (overkill, I agree).Cheers! 
Anyone Familar With ESS Speakers?
Tried out a swiss 90's version of these. The AMT tweeter and the woofer just didn't like each other and the Lord knows I tried my best: tubes, ss, stereo amps, monos... and even when the sound spectrum was somewhat balanced, the woofer didn't keep... 
The worst sound system
Rhl, I felt the agony just reading yr post! About the sound & putting up with it: 1) the sound is so bad, dj's crank it up in order to hear what's going on (despite the use of 'phones) 2) I was astounded to hear recently that bad sound induces... 
TT opinions please
For detailed tight sound, you could also consider the small Clearaudio decks, and Morch arms. A Pro-ject P with a Benz Glider I heard offered great tunes. A latest version Linn/Ittok (or better) no longer requires the nerve-raking tweaking Jfrech ... 
Bi-amping Tablettes with a Classik?
You'd be eliminating one link (the shorters) which is good thing. As to equal driving, no problem, it's the same amp output with two sets of posts connected to it. You'll need to start with identical cables (length, model), though. On the speaker ... 
Designs on the Genesis 1.1 Reference?
Anyone pondered on how to drive these speakers? OK, the subs are taken care of, but what is commensurate to the rest??Cheers! 
Pathos Classic one, anybody Heard it??
I have (heard the classic 1, that is). With A-Physic Tempos (a) / horn-loaded something or other (b)/A-Physic Step (c) -- not yr B&Ws. It's a tad more "tubey" sounding than the Twin T, does not have the twin's driving power so, sensitive speak... 
High end dealers in Frankfurt
Budapest *used* to be good for LP also -- primarily (then) "Eastern bloc" labels. Athens also has reasonable cd prices and titles availability for classical. Classical, 70s and jazz LPs are, also, still reasonable -- but as many French and German ... 
High end dealers in Frankfurt
Kelly, was that CD or LP prices -- I remember London being reasonable for CDs (by European -- expensive -- standards, that is). BTW, Paris is even worse on CD prices -- but not bad on LPs, though.Greg 
Toobs + SS = x
As I read it, Red's point is summarised in the phrase "...adding countervailing distortions (to "correct" sonic insufficiencies) is wrong...". i.e., "don't use one component to cover up another's shortcomings". Pre(s)were the context of the thread... 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
Good move, Bigo Len! BTW, a friend has adjusted vertical tracking on the Glider a tad (a FEW degrees) forward -- says it's the correct angle... you may want to try!Enjoy! 
TT/ cartridge recommendations $1000
Doug, I'm predicting that the S-Line Clavis you have in the closet will blow you out of the room! Not that the MC25 is bad...Bigo, given your nice set-up, I'll second the used: (by descending order of $$investment) TT -> arm -> (cheapo) cart... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Oz, you're onto something there. Thanks for opening my eyes! Now, how do I get this one past the wife.... 
Best amp/pre for AP Virgos
That's a tough one. Unless you're grossly dissatisfied with the monos' sound, I would suggest you try a(n) active pre(s) to gauge the difference -- before you embark on mega$ changes. Otherwise, I agree with Rhagen: big tube amps would be the norm...