
Responses from gregm

Which Preamp would match my system?
Of the few pre's I've tried with a Passion, I particularly enjoyed the Passion & the CAT Ultimate -- both of these are expensive, as you note. I also liked a Symphonic Line -- but that's even more expensive...From there it's pure speculation; ... 
Driver efficiency vs. overall speaker efficiency
I haven't grasped your reasoning behind the extra 10db. Anyways, speakers sporting at least one driver with a 87,5db rating would probably be < 87,5 overall.Unless you're thinking of s/thing else? Cheers 
Sound when volume off
It sounds like a problem with the volume pot -- not the caps, surely. The mute switch stops (floats) the output connection, so you wouldn't have any sound at all, that's normal.I would suggest you change the volume pot -- it's easy & not very ... 
Active crossovers and commercial home speakers?
A very advantageous proposition IMO. Also a very complicated one -- more so than it may seem at first sight UNLESS one has the spkr's crossover schematic with annotations, if possible... that seems unlikely for a hi-end speaker. A seemingly simple... 
Active studio monitors. Nobody has them. Why?
A few reasons -- not an exhaustive list:* Genelecs response curve designed for mastering, not for musical enjoyment* Nearfield or sattelite application* For full-range operation most models need equivalent, matching bass+low bass spkrs* Active: ma... 
how much current is enough?
Stereophile measured SPL at one metre. Probably at 1kHz, BTW which is an indicative but hardly final measurement. It is however useful./ Since CURRENT was mentioned, and adding onto Jeffreybehr informative post, the 4ohm nominal indicates the need... 
I think we can all agree on the semantics: "fidelity" means "true(r) to the original" (Viggen) or "accurate reproduction (of the original)" (Marco-Jax2). The original being what's on the RECORDED medium -- NOT the actual event that was recorded.AS... 
Anyone using baffless speaker with a full range?
You probably mean open baffle (OB), not "baffle-less"? For a comprehensive intro to OB try S Linkwitz' site as well as Melhuish's. Generally speaking OB will sound very "airy" (a bit like a stator with dynamics). To make a long story shorter, the ... 
Results from Beta Testers of New Formulas
Raul -- while I'm not doubting your kind intentions (nor anyone else, surely) I still fail to understand why & how the application and subsequent removal of a cleaning agent+rinsing liquid (distilled/de-ionized water) on a rotating surface (LP... 
Audio Artistry
No reason for audiophiles to dislike these speakers -- on the contrary, they are easily among the best speakers ever designed. The A Artistry line was designed by S. Linkwitz (of Linkwitz-Riley/Linkwitz transform, etc, fame). If anything, the comp... 
Is it worth spending $10k on CD-only player today?
This really begs the question "how many redbook CD's do you have?" If your collection is large (i.e. in excess of $20-30k) and growing, then a good redbook player may be in order. (I do think $10k is excessive however...)If not, wait and see -- if... 
No posting from me for awhile
Do enjoy yourself and, time permitting (you never know...), I'm sure we'd all love a quick note of where you are as you go along! Of course, family, work & fun take precedence... 
Opinion on Mark Levinson 33H Monoblocks
For once we're all strumming the same tune (at least so far)! My ears also confirm the 33's clear sonic superiority over the 336 (a good product, BTW). Of course, their driving capabilities are higher too.And yes, I also noticed they don't get siz... 
Genesis 350 vs. Carver AL-III
Thanks for the clarification, Mejames! 
What are the advantages of offset tweeter location
Rather than an advantage, I'd say it's a matter of design. The tweeter offset is usually intended to help correct phase and control diffraction.There are also lobing matters that seem to enter the game -- but I'm not sure about the offestting's ef...