
Responses from gregm

Electrical Safety Tip
Shasta, good point -- often overlooked. Certainly worth mentioning even if it's not audio:)! 
Dahlquist DQ-10 upgrade suggestions?
Also, change that horrible tweet while you're at it. If you tinker with the x-over, it shouldn't be difficult to choose a fitting alternative. 
Turntable or go into SACD, Simon Yorke vs EMM Lab
IF you're considering a no/minimum-maintenance high quality TT as a "final" purchase, then go for the S Yorke. I recommend the purchase ONLY if it's the last TT you'll get (I've had one for years).Otherwise, just hit the record stores for some new... 
Free air resonance?
Considering the lower fs ALONE, you're better off: the lower fs tweet will be well within its linear range if the x-over frequency was chosen for a higher fs tweet. Generally speaking, the further away from fs you cross a tweet, the better it is (... 
Hales T5's Vifa's $ ohm or 6 ohm?
Oooops just remembered the "killer" Vifa tweet fm their XT series. It's the 25TG30-04 (4 ohm, as indicated). 
Experience with ATC 20A-2 Active speakers?
I have NO experience w/ the 20 but do have experience w/ 50 & 100. In that light, I can confirm Lazarus' quick assessment above -- except of course the compression at VERY high (unnecessarily high IMO) volumes that settles in w/ the 50 whereas... 
High End Myth Glossary.
Sean sez: Numbers don't lie but you have to know how to interpret themI agree. It further seems that some "standard" measurements (or the way they are made) hardly correlate with the sonic result. Especially when it comes to amp-speaker interface.... 
Hales T5's Vifa's $ ohm or 6 ohm?
Sean is very explicit BUT, things aren't that complicated since: you've worked on the x-over so you know (or the modder should know) the tweeter schematic. You can test the existing tweeter(s) to get the parametres & impedance/ amplitude curve... 
Coupling vs. Decoupling for Bass Response
While you're decoupling them from the floor, why not couple them to the ceiling?? I do mean suspend them -- if you have beams that can take the weight.Stop laughing, I'm serious. Cheers. 
B&W Nautilus 801s vs. Wilson Audio Sophia?
I listen to & judge by classical, so I'll chip in & further confuse the issue:) Keeping in mind the need to reproduce large orchestral passages (including choirs) at realistic levels, the Nautilus is undoubtedly (IMO) the choice. It can gi... 
Active speaker, the future? or another fad?
why (...) NOT MAKE THE UPPER MID/TWEET DRIVER(S) ACTIVE AS WELL!!!?Good point. As you imply, it's a compromise of sorts.The reason is that most of the energy goes in the bass region, so the biggest immediate improvement would be an amp dedicated t... 
Active speaker, the future? or another fad?
Exert - the trick in bi(multi) amping is to know what the designer has done in the passive x-over. Not easy, I know. I wonder if Mr Thiel would give suggestions re, going active in the bass (if s/one were serious about this of course).The point is... 
Speakers--Epos? Spendor? ATC? What?
Given yr (quick) preferences & spkr brands mentioned, either Proac or ATC seem indicated. I would prefer the ATC mid/upper-midrange to the Proac, and maybe the Proac's tweeter range to the ATC....{BTW, imaging, staging etc, are good with eithe... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
Keep in mind that there's a plethora of good tweets out there that COULD be near drop-in replacements. All you need is the impedance curve & efficiency of your present tweets (choose the one that sounds "better", obviously there are discrepanc... 
Whatever happened to REAL "owners manuals" ???
I can only think of one case. The old EAR 519 amps came with a nice manual. While not as impressive as the ones you mention, it contained useful info, specs and, believe it, a SCHEMATIC!The rest have been flimsy; some informative -- but hardly goi...