
Responses from gregm

Best Line Stage Preamp?
Hi Stehno: Interesting about the Ayre (I guess it's the same model I listened to). I found it very "neutral" sounding. I can't remember any gross negatives. Coming to think of it, I can't remember major positives either -- other than it was in the... 
CAT SL MKIII vs ARC SP 11 or 10
CAT Ultimate or SL1 Sig. Add to the comments above, the CAT offers very good dynamics. Also drives difficult loads beautifully. True, it's more on the "neutral" side than the ARC. 
Best Line Stage Preamp?
Are you very restricted financially? If not, here are a few models that sounded nice with an Antares (this is just my limited experience - not an exhaustive list):*CAT Ultimate (tube) *Placette passive *Symphonic Line RG3/3 (ss)*YBA passion (ss)*A... 
A step up from Audio Refinement complete
In the same (sonic) vein, an YBA Passion Integre?? 
what is the best se tube amp
Pepler-My 2.5s are db rated in the mid 80s but are relatively easy to driveAre you SURE??? Remember, at 85db/1W (8ohm) a "high powered" 30W SE will give a nominal <100db spl at PEAK level into a pure RESISTIVE load, before clipping. Real life s... 
Which pre amp s suites my YBA 1 Alpha hc amp?
Its own, CAT ultimate, placette active, EAR 864, Copland (older models).. to name a few. There are many others. It's a somewhat difficult load (choose a pre that matches well with a 25-30kOhm load) -- but other than that, it's the sound that matte... 
Personal speaker evolution
Pbb sez:Wonder what an SE version of these speakers, using a stiffer panel structure (by incorporating something rigid à la Mye stands in the design) and better quality components all around (including the connectors and, most certainly, the x-ove... 
Speaker Choice: Narrowed down, need final opinions
Dawgbyte- Green Mountain would be nice, but X has to specially import them. Expensive.The smaller M Audio have a slight boom-tizz character. By comparison, the Elac could sound flatter but dryish. Neither will outperform B&W 801 matrix.One ide... 
Crossover frequency
Try cutting one octave lower -- i.e. 40Hz. Listen carefully. Sound should be "fuller" but realistic and nothing should be bigger than life, i.e. a cello should NOT sound like a double bass, a viola like a cello, etc. If it's too light sounding, go... 
Ribbon tweeters/speakers recommendations Please
OK. Check out the WAF acceptability of suggested speakers selah and newform. Other options abound, but come mostly as kits from madisound, e-speakers, zalytron (all .coms). BTW, with some care, a kit speaker can look extremely good! 
Is the significance of room acoustics overrated?
Has anyone ever listened to a high quality speaker outdoors?Yep. Interesting /surprising sound. Lack of reflections by far made up for the lack of room reinforcement! Ambient noise was low, fortunately. 
Speaker Choice: Narrowed down, need final opinions
The Monitor Audios look like one good choice (if you OK their sound, that is). I'm not sure you'll be happy with the sound of the Bryston driving Audio Physic, Elac -- or any speaker that goes for an extended, upper end, and a flattish bass roll-o... 
Is the significance of room acoustics overrated?
I'd say room treatment is underrated. OTOH, it's not easy to clutter up a room with bass traps, panels, etc (WAF, etc) or very expensive to do unobtrusively.In a "correctly" sized room, modes will be lesser, esp. in the bass. A treated room will a... 
Time alignment, important? long
Cowman sez:To me the most tangible benefit of sloped baffles is increase of vertical dispersion??:) Surely you mean shifting the vertical axis upward. Hardly INCREASING the drivers' vertical dispersion characteristics. Cheers 
Time alignment, important? long
Duke (Audio"movement") covered lots of ground. Yes, tilting the mid-tweet baffle (which unfortunately means that the drivers fire at the ceiling) is a way of geometrically aligning the drivers so the pathlength from their reference point to our ea...