
Responses from gdnrbob

Vandersteen 1C to 3A Signature
@OP,If you have the Vandy 1's, I would suggest buying a pair of Vandy subs. Now that the new Sub 3 has come out, you can find a pair of 2wq's for close to $1k used.These might add the 'punch' you need. They also relieve your amp from the power dem... 
Vandersteen 1C to 3A Signature
+1 on contacting John Rutan (audioconnection).+2 on looking at the Treo'sI own the non-CT version (after owning the 3a sigs), and find them to be significantly better- sound wise.@patrickdowns,Nice Post!.Bob 
Should I try XLR?
Short answer:I don't know.Long answer:The benefits of XLR (Balanced) connectors is that they can be run long distances and tend not to be by differences in manufacture.The key point to remember is that the equipment must support the AES 47 protoco... 
single end round or flat
I would ask your question on the ML forum: have no experience with ML, but I am sure you will get more focused replies there.B 
Bluesound Tech Support
@llarry, Given that different streamers will utilize different protocols, I would think having your catalog backed up in it's original format (mp, Flac, or whatever) would be the best way to go, should you decide to jump ship to another streamer.A... 
Bluesound Tech Support
@llarry,Here is a link to copying your files. I don't think they are manipulated by the Bluesound App, so you should be able to play them in any other streamer- I think. 
Innuos Zenith can't connect to my.innuos
@OP, Do you have any firewalls on your PC? Router settings?Do you have any extensions running on your search engine?I found my Google Adblock Plus and a couple others messed up the Innuos connection.-Hence, my use of MS Edge. And, I didn't need to... 
Bluesound Tech Support
@llarry,I agree, it should have been handled better.In my case, after a couple of back and forths, they scheduled a TeamPlayer session, which is something they should have done for you.I know it can be aggravating, but, hey, things worked out in t... 
Bass sensation like a loud car system in home?
@All,If the OP wants boomy bass, that is his/her option.@OP,  Just looking to achieve the bass wave effect without the SPL associated with achieving it via high powered subwoofers.  I don't think you will be able to achieve this without subs.B 
Bluesound Tech Support
@OP, I understand your frustration, but...Bluesound offers a lot for not much money, so in some ways:'you get what you pay for', might be applicable.I owned Bluesound Nodes, and had issues with them. Bluesound did take some time to diagnose and co... 
Innuos Zenith MK3
@OP,Great that you have narrowed it down.I also own the QB 9 Twenty, and had an issue with it that Ayre corrected for free (though I didn't get free shipping to them-☹).Did Ayre say the overheating issue was the possible cause of the skipping.Bob 
Is 35’ and 50’ to long for RCA sub cables?
@OP,You are between a rock and a hard place.I would take @audioquest4life 's rec and get a good shielded sub woofer cable in RCA. I know Audioquest makes some inexpensive sub cables that include a grounding wire-which should minimize any ground lo... 
Is 35’ and 50’ to long for RCA sub cables?
My short answer is, Yes.Now if you could run XLR, then it wouldn't.Bob 
Townshend Audio Podiums - current owners opinion on the merits of this product
@cantorgale,You can go to the Townshend website and see the chart listing the various weight loads each Podium will carry.You can also email them.I got mine from a dealer in England. PM me if  you want to contact him.His prices and shipping, as we... 
"Need" Roon, Bluesound Node, or or other streamer?
@ho249, I don't know if you meant having to buy dedicated equipment, but you can control Roon equipped streamers or Bluesound using the corresponding Windows app.B