
Responses from gdnrbob

Speaker set up and IRREGULAR rooms.
@OP,If the speakers sound good, then I wouldn't sweat it.- Especially if you are going to remove the closet.If you want to play, then try some acoustic treatments. For a cheap fix, try hanging some small area rugs at different areas behind the spe... 
Upgrade Time
I would look at Ayre, as well.B 
Purchase of used Quatro wood ct. Looking for set up advice.
Yes, please join us on the Vandy forum!You'll get lots of great info.B 
AQ Power cables- Space considerations in audio cabinet
@2007audioman ,Like I wrote, using a right angle connector-which is metal to metal, and not an extension cord should make little difference.And,You just reminded me that I bought a connector that extended about 6 inches from the power input of my ... 
Purchase of used Quatro wood ct. Looking for set up advice.
Oh yeah, I forgot your Agon name.The Quatro's will be a significant upgrade. Now you will get the integrated subs as well as the carbon tweeter.I am envious- even though I can't fit the Quatro's in my space.You might ask Johnny if you can use your... 
AQ Power cables- Space considerations in audio cabinet
@OP,There are other right angle adaptors available.I, too, had the same issue with my AQ cables. I even told Alasdair at AQ that their cables were far too stiff for normal usage. He did say using a right angle connector would do no harm sonically,... 
Ayre V-3 Audio Improvements
I have sent a few items back to Ayre for either repair of upgrade.In every case, the cost was minimal and the improvements maximal.Once again, I would contact Ayre with your information and see if they would recommend sending the unit for maintena... 
Purchase of used Quatro wood ct. Looking for set up advice.
You should either PM John Rutan (audioconnection) here on Audiogon, or call him directly.+1 on joining the Vandersteen Forum. We'd love to see you there.Bob 
Arrange circuit breakers in panel
@ditusa ,+1. Jea48 is my go to guy/person when it comes to electrical issues.Second only to the late Almarg.Bob 
Ayre V-3 Audio Improvements
Why not call Ayre and speak directly?They answer the phone and will give you the best advice.Or, PM John Rutan (audioconnection), he will point you in the right direction, as well.Bob 
Dedicated line 20A.
@OP, Ukraine?Now, if you could do us a favor....Just kidding...B 
Dedicated line 20A.
@OP,PM Jea48. He knows his stuff.B 
Vandersteen 1C to 3A Signature
@OP, The 3a sigs are great speakers. I know you will love them.As far as recs for power amps-(I would still contact John Rutan...)But, if you'd rather not,...Then a Belles Aria Integrated would be  on my list. It sounds great with Vandersteen's. I... 
Innuos Zenith MK3/ Roon
Innuos Zenith MK3/ Roon
I use Roon for my Zen Mk 3 and my PC without issue- no need for a Nucleus.I have no experience with anything MAC, unfortunately. Though I did have issues using Google Chrome when trying to set up the Roon/Innuos.I had to use MS Edge to get it to c...