
Responses from gdnrbob

Maggies with a subwoofer system - optimization?
Vandersteen subs would be your best way to add lower frequencies. IMHO.But, as you have a Swarm sub system, I think you would be best served by contacting Doug Shroeder ( douglas_schroeder ) here on Audiogon.I think he would have the best info fo... 
Quality outlets for non-audio
I agree with @ebm, Leviton makes hospital grade outlets, and they weren't expensive. It is what I use now.Bob 
Please clear up my confusion re: meaning of "balanced" !
@stuartk ,PM or call Ralph Karsten (atmasphere).In fact, if you search the Audiogon archives, you'll find many of his posts explaining the rational of the 'balanced topography'.As you seem to have found, some equipment offers balanced input/output... 
"Need" Roon, Bluesound Node, or or other streamer?
The Node can be used with and external DAC. I used an Ayre Codex with mine.I eventually went with Innuos, and use Roon as a system manager.The Bluesound Node is quite a buy for the money.Not knowing your system, I would say get the Node and see if... 
What is the most important component to consider while building a new system?
@qjm101,Good one.B 
Innuos Zenith MK3
I own the Zenmini and the Zen Mk3. I have not had any issues with skipping.I did have an issue with the Roon software crashing 2 weeks ago. I went back to an earlier version, and only recently moved back to the current version. So far, it works as... 
any suggestions on what to replace Bluesound Node 2i with
I moved to the Innous Zen Mini and Zenith for my networked systems.I had the Bluesound Node's before. I upgraded my DAC's to Ayre QB-9's, so I needed something that used USB instead of optical.In any case, I am very satisfied with the changes.@OP,... 
Vandersteen VSM-1 and End Caps
I don't see a problem changing color if you sand them down and put on a primer.I believe the end caps are made of wood, at least the ones I own look like wood.The VLR's are designed more for multi channel listening rather than stereo- like the 1,2... 
Poor grammar is disappointing and decidedly distracting in formal audio reviews.
Eats, shoots and leaves.You know, the Panda, at the restaurant.B 
AQ Water XLR or Yukon XLR - DAC to Preamp- sound comparisons
I had Mackensie's and moved to Water. It was an improvement-mostly in clarity and improved imagining.I would recommend just going with the WEL's, if you can stomach the price.- I know I will when I find a set for sale used.Bob 
Linear Power Supply and Roon Nucleus/SGC
From my limited experience, an LPS will make a difference -usually for the better.Though I would say upgrading speaker cables would be my first choice.B 
Need a DAC Recommendation.
An Ayre Codex will give the Schiit Yggy a run for the money, plus you can get one for less than $1K.I owned both, but have moved to the Ayre Qb-9 Twenty.B 
Ayre ex8
I don't own an EX-8, but do own the QB-9 Twenty, which Ayre, as told to me by Ryan Berry told me is similar to the newer Ayre DAC models.In any case, I doubt you will be disappointed.Bob 
How many of you are digital only systems?
Digital for me, as well.High rez formats are good enough for me. Plus the fact that I don't have to get up every 30 minutes or so to change the record.Digital is in it's infancy. And, I think, like in photography, digital will mature to the point ... 
Townshend Audio ones Through
@samgar,The Podiums will help with isolating vibrations in equipment, but room deficiencies are another matter. The Podiums might help, but you really need to address the glass, as well as the other issues, separately,IMHO.Bob