
Responses from gdnrbob

Tube Amps, Magnapans and Impedance
@OP, Too bad you didn't post a few months ago. I recently sold a pair of Speltz  autoformers. There is another Audiogon member you should PM- Atmasphere.He is well acquainted with autoformers an should be able to give you some relevant advice, as ... 
Tube Amps, Magnapans and Impedance
@OP, Doubt was sown Considering that you enjoy your system as it is, I would discount any  inference to the contrary.But.we are all subject to the opinions of others.That being said(written), I would contact Magnepan directly with your concerns.... 
How hot does the Ayre EX-8 2.0 Integrated Amplifier get?
Charles Hansen was quite a character. I never got to meet him, but from his words and those who knew him, he was one of a kind.-In a good way.B 
Can a european amp version 240 be changed to us 120?
@OP, Once again, consult the manufacturer.B 
Can a european amp version 240 be changed to us 120?
Actually, he/she needs a step up transformer. -120v to 240v, unless there is an internal switch.B 
How hot does the Ayre EX-8 2.0 Integrated Amplifier get?
@OP, Pm'd you before I read this.I'd say your dealer is giving you very conservative measurements, but, heck, why take chances?Bob 
How hot does the Ayre EX-8 2.0 Integrated Amplifier get?
I had a AX-7e and it wasn't hot at all.You can also call Ayre directly. Sometimes, you'll get connected immediately, sometimes they will call back. It is usually Ariel or Ryan.Bob 
AQ Water XLR or Yukon XLR - DAC to Preamp- sound comparisons
Cable 'burn in' takes time. How much?-Who knows?For me, it just seems to happen on it's own.Given AQ finds locating the DBS at the female ends, I would just let things settle out, as in my experience, AQ knows what is best.B 
Suggestions for a replacement dac
Ayre Codex is under $1K used.Highly recommended.B 
Low-sensitivity speakers — What's special about them?
Seeing Almarg's post at the front of this thread brings back fond memories. I hope heaven has a great sound system for him to listen to.Bob 
Ayre Codex (former) Owners, what did you move on to?
@jc4659 The Ayre QB-9 Twenty outclasses the Codex easily, but remember it has only USB input, unlike the Codex which has USB, and optical.-That little change forced me to change my steamer from Bluesound to Innuos-though it was for the better.B 
Ayre Codex (former) Owners, what did you move on to?
I upgraded to the QB-9 Twenty. The upgrade was too inexpensive to pass by.Bob 
Dedicated 20a lines, 125 feet distance, which gauge wire to run?
@OP,PM Jea48Bob 
No response from seller
@OP,Have you tried Hifi Shark?You should be able to find another unit, as well as find out prices of sold units.Bob 
Shipping speakers
I had a good experience using UShip. I shipped a pair of Vandy 3a sigs w/bases in their original boxes.Most of the drivers are self employed people doing this to make a living, so they tend to be careful-as their ratings depend upon successful del...