
Responses from gdnrbob

Would you sell for cash?
In my region, Long Island, NY, there has been a rash of counterfeit bills going around. So, I would be a bit hesitant.  If you can persuade them to send funds via Paypal or Venmo, or Wire, it would probably be safer. Given that the buyer has no f... 
Can the digital "signal" be over-laundered, unlike money?
With anything digital, messing with the original signal is bound to result in a change. Whether it is 'good or bad' will be a matter of personal opinion. FWIW, I do believe digital will get very close to analog in the near future. B  
Cat 5 - 6 -7 or 8
@high-amp , If you are wanting the best quality sound, then use a grounded cable from the box into your house. I found some nice Cat 7 cable for cheap and ran it directly from the Fios Box to my equipment. Having it grounded as far as I can poss... 
Qobuz Issue
I'd wait for Sebastien to sort it out. B  
Need Wired Ethernet Access but Noisy Extender
What ethernet wire are you using? Wire above 6a should have a ground wire, which should help with noise. Though your equipment should allow it to be effective. B  
Have you ever been turned off by an Arrogant Dealer? Thoughts
@ejr1953 , That is what many salespeople don't get. The high earners go for the obviously moneyed client and ignore anyone who looks like an average person. I experienced it at Sound by Singer when they were on 8th Street. They let my very nice ... 
Thank you Veterans!
I think it would be best to contact your representatives in Congress to increase funding for the VA, as a way to show your respect for those who served. Just today, one veteran committed suicide at the Lincoln Memorial. B  
suspending monitors from the ceiling
@scott22  I am doing much the same with my Vandy VLR's, but on some wall mount speaker clamps. I, too, wondered about the effects of vibration on the speakers, as they aren't really tightly held in their clamps, so I asked Mr. V. He suggested t... 
Speaker Cable Management
I do much the same, but with my interconnects (for monoblocks). You can get pretty anal about these things, but when it comes down to basics, I doubt you would distinguish a significant change in sound. B  
One disadvantage is that I presume that there is not much chance of upgrading the DAC in a combo like this, so as technology changes you with miss the buss or fork out for new.   Your comment speaks for itself. If you are looking to get the b... 
Wilson not delivering speakers as scheduled
@ebm,Yes, it is the result of Pandemic slowdown, but if I were running a company, especially a bespoke company like Wilson, I would be on the phone to each customer with an order explaining why their speakers are delayed. And, given the price of t... 
Wilson not delivering speakers as scheduled
Yet, it would be to Wilson's advantage to reach out to prepaid orders and explain the situation. And, considering how expensive those speakers are, I think it should be a given.B 
Cassette Deck servicing/restoration in U.S.?
If it works, then just use it.The cost of servicing it isn't worth it as there are many cassette decks that will perform as well or better for not much money.B 
Have you seen the website:
SadBut, I bet is claiming FAKE NEWS!B 
Anyone know a good tube preamp tech in NYC
PM or  call John Rutan- Audioconnection.